Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sounds Good To Me, Genesis 19:30-38

Sounds Good To Me

Genesis 19:32  Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father.

Lot and his daughters had escaped to Zoar, the only city of the plains not destroyed . He did not feel safe there and left to make their home in the mountains. They were there all alone and the daughters, who, at one time were pledged to be married, wanted to continue their father's line. So, the older daughter devised with a plan to get pregnant from their father. It sounded good to the younger daughter, so they got him drunk on two different nights and each lie with him, one the first night and the other on the second. Each became pregnant, and two sons were born to them, Moab and Ammi.

In theses verses, we come back to this truth; everything you read in the Bible is true, but it doesn't mean that you do everything the Bible talks about. Historically, this account happened, but trouble arose out of this union. The two born to the daughters became nemeses of Israel after their return from Egypt. It is easy to concoct ideas in our minds and convince ourselves that what we want to do is correct, even acceptable to God. We can discuss it amongst ourselves and even pray about it to determine if it is wise or sinful, but when it is what we want to do, it is easy to fool ourselves.

Daughters, maybe you have done something that seemed good to you and later wonder why you were so blind to the consequences, the ramifications of your decision. Just because it sounds good, has short term benefits, doesn't mean it good or, better said, godly. This is especially true in relationships. Determine what is godly before you enter into a relationship. If you have questions along the way, ask a strong Christian to evaluate it, especially someone old enough to have perspective. This isn't just true before marriage, this is an important practice throughout your life. Do not be like Rehoboam, who used the council of his friends, his buddies and pooh-poohed the wisdom of the elders of the realm (1 Kings 12:8).

K and A, if you are wise, you will seek council, if you are a fool you will rely on your own thoughts (Proverbs 12:15). Just because you are a Christian and it sounds good doesn't mean it is. Satan is tricky and wants to fool you into believing a lie. It is easy to get caught. You may think you are standing firm (1 Corinthians 10:12), but don't let down your guard, for sin is always crouching at your door (Genesis 4:7). If you ever need advice, spiritual or otherwise, come to me or go to Mother. We are committed to helping you throughout your life.


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