Friday, November 10, 2017

God Wouldn't Do That, Genesis 12-14

God Wouldn't Do That

Genesis 19:14 So lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to be married to his daughters. He said, "Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!" But, his sons-in-law thought he was joking.

Lot had been saved from certain death by the angels that came to deliver him from the wickedness that was around him. They physically drug him back into is home and kept evil from reaching him by blinding the eyes of the men you were about to perpetrate hideous sexual acts. Now they warned Lot of the coming destruction and ordered him to gather all his family and leave. Apparently, they were all in the home except for two future sons-in-law. Lot went to them and warned them of the coming destruction and was laughed at, for they thought it was a joke. God would never do such a thing...

Hell is more than a curse word. Some use replacement words like what the h_n or  what the h_ck or as they say today... what the (Sorry, I even had to write that much of it). Hell is not a joke. It is a serious subject. It and the Lake of Fire are places that most people will end up to be tormented in ways like Sodom, except they will never burn up. Hell is serious and must never be part of our flippant or derogatory vocabulary.

K and A, you know Scripture. Hell is real. Do not allow use of this curse word, or others like it, to be part of your home, your family. My father straightened me up (the kindest straightening up, I remember) one time in 6th grade. The substitute teacher was fed up. The students were not listening and were noisy. So she said it, "Shut the ____ up!" (I apologize again for even writing this, because it forces you to say it in your mind.) I joked with my classmates around me that that would take a special pair of gloves, ha ha ha... Later, I told my dad about it. He reminded me that Hell is a real place and the place of torment is not something to make jokes about.

God will send people to Hell. It will be a sad event (technically, as I understand it even if I never studied it, Hell may be the place you go when you die and the Lake of Fire after the judgement, just not sure). You must make sure that you, your spouse and children, and other members of your family understand the truth. Don't limit it to family though, help others know the truth about Hell as well. God will one day separate the righteous and ungodly, one to everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:41) and the other to eternal life (Matthew 25:46). Heaven, that is where I want to go. It is your choice where God sends you. Choose carefully.


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