Saturday, November 18, 2017

As Promised, Genesis 21:1

As Promised

Genesis 21:1 Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and did for Sarah what he had promised.

God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. His offspring would be like the sand on the seashore. But, Sarah remained barren. Abram had a child through Hagar, but God's promise was greater. On his way to destroy Sodom, the Lord told Abraham that Sarah was to birth a child in her old age (Genesis 18:14). That time had come. The Lord opened the womb of Sarah at the age of 90 (maybe at the age the 89) and Sarah conceived and had a son! God carried through on his promise..

That is the Lord. When he states that something will happen, it does. We are told in Scripture that the words spoken by a true prophet of the Lord will always come to pass. If not, he is not a true prophet. This is how we know he (not she) is from the Lord. But, there is also another reason we know he (not she) is from the Lord... the Lord's word is never wrong. God is not like man that he should lie or change his mind (Numbers 21:19). No, God can be trusted. When he makes a covenant, he keeps his end of the agreement, he won't switch things up along the way.

K and A, you can rely on the Lord, he does not lie, nor will he falsely accuse. He will not deceive you nor forsake you. His promises can be trusted, you can live by them. When you are weary from school or work or life, go to him, for he says come to me, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). You may work for the Lord and it seems pointless, remember your work for the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). And when God seems far off and is no where to be found, know that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6). God will do as he promises. You can count on him!


Oh yeah, a true prophet is never a she, for that would be a prophetess. :)

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