Sunday, November 26, 2017

God Provides, Genesis 21:19-21

God Provides

Genesis 21:19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water, so she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

God had reassured Hagar that he would make Ishmael into a great nation. She believed and God opened her eyes and there was a well full of water and she and the boy were refreshed. Just when they needed him, he was there.

God is the provider. After a ram was provided in place of Isaac, Abraham declared The Lord Will Provide. In fact, that is what he named the place where it took place (Genesis 22:14). We have many examples in the Word where the Lord provides. Another one is the with Elisha and the widow. A similar story to Hagar's. During a famine she was to make bread for Elisha for he was hungry. She stated that she had enough for her and son and then they would die. But she baked one for Elisha first and God provided enough flour and oil for the entirety of the famine.

K and A, God will provide for you. In your time of need, call out to him and he will provide. This is part his character. He enable you to make it through by providing the stamina, the wisdom, and the spiritual drive to walk through any situation he brings to you. Trust him, he will do it!


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