Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Resting Dead, Proverbs 21:16

The Resting Dead

Proverbs 21:16 A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead.

Oh the vile, disgusting TV program called The Walking Dead. It is full of ungodly living and false dying. There is the splattering of blood and the glorification of killing the innocent, and the utter nonsense of the living dead. The only glimmer of truth is that some people who are living are dead in their sin, and without Christ, they can contaminate those around them and bring many good people to destruction.

K and A, there are those whom you associate with that Satan desires to use to pull you down. They may be from work or school or even a "friend". Satan uses them to get you to veer from God's straight and narrow path, and seeks to get you to walk with the many on the wide road of life  (Matthew 7:14). Careful! For that path lead to death. Do not stray from the narrow way or you shall find yourself living with the resting dead.


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