Sunday, November 12, 2017

Don't Look Back, Genesis 19:17-26

Don't Look Back

Genesis 19:17 As soon as they brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives, don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away."

Why Lot hesitated to leave, we do not know. Perhaps he didn't want to leave the place he had called home. Too many memories and thoughts of times past, but why? The place was full of evil. He had many friends there, but they were evil and God had said to leave. You would think he would want to leave. Destruction was coming and Lot knew it, yet he had a hard time leaving. So, the men grabbed his hand and the hands of his family, and they were escorted out of the city and told to flee and never look back.

People are caught in sin and can't seem to escape. They have lived the hardships and have prayed for relief, yet when given the opportunities for a way out... they stay put, hesitant to leave. What is it about sin that hold them fast? Well, that is how sin behaves. Evil deeds ensnare (Proverbs 5:22). Sin grows cords that entangle and wont let go (Hebrews 12:1Proverbs 5:22). We need to abhor sin and grab onto what is good (Romans 12:9). Like David, let us flee temptation (Genesis 39:12, 2 Timothy 2:22) knowing it will ensnare us.

A and K. Temptation is real for the believer. If you give into it, sin has many tentacles, and it will strangle your life. Flee the evil desires of youth (2 Timothy 2:22). Don't turn back, not even for a moment, for dangers await those who do. Instead, look ahead and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, calling on the LORD out of a pure heart. You will never regret what other run back to.


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