Monday, November 27, 2017

Marry A Christian, Genesis 21:21

Marry A Christian

Genesis 21:21 While he was living in the desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.

I have mentioned before that sometimes I write my Scripture blog from what the particular verse inspires me to write, not from the exegesis of it. This is one of those...

Some theologians believe that Hagar came from Egypt. If you remember, Abram and Sarai were given riches and servants by pharaoh after sicknesses that had come on his household because pharaoh took Sarai as his wife. So, these theologians believe Hagar was one of the servants given to them in this gift of pharaoh. Now, we see Hagar returning there to find him a wife.

Both Isaac and Jacob took wives from their home area. Their is no indication in Scripture, that I know of, where God commanded them to do so. But, we do know that God told the Israelites many times that they must not intermarry with the wicked that lived around them. When they failed to listen, evil imbedded itself within Israel (great example - Solomon, 1 Kings 11:4) .

Paul alludes to this point when he says to not join together with an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 6:14). God people must not unite with wickedness, what do righteousness and wickedness have in common (same verse).

K and A, you both know this. In fact one of you has a great story how she would have left the one she loved, because, once enlighten on this issue, you chose to follow through on this standard set by God. But God moved on your, then, boyfriend, and he was convicted in his heart of his fallen state and turn his life to Christ! Now he is your husband and together you serve the Lord.

For the other of you, and for any future children, or when see other Christians, know and live this principle starting with anyone you or they might be interested in. First determine if the are Christians, and if they are, proceed in seeking the one God has provided.

One last thing... this goes for any close relationship in your lives, especially business. What fellowship can light have with darkness? You don't want to imbed evil into your life. Join only with likeminded believers. 


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