Saturday, November 11, 2017

How High, Genesis 19:15-16

How High

Genesis 19:16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them.

Lot had returned home without his future sons-in-law. The destructions was about to begin, and the angles told Lot to get his family and go! Lot hesitated, so the men grabbed their hand and led them out of the city.

Why do we hesitate when God calls? What causes us to wait? Do we not understand it was God speaking? Are we slow to obey, because we like where we are? When God calls we need to move.

A and K, I told this story recently but here it is again... Growing up my brothers and sisters were sometimes "loaned out" to others families. Grandpa used to give us this parting command, When they tell you to jump, then jump, and on your way up, ask how high. He was looking for immediate obedience. That is a good lesson for today's younger generation. I hear many children ask why or see them move slowly or not at all. This has always been the case, but the way children are talking back today is wrong. In times past that would have earned a smack to the mouth. Raise your differently.

This problem is way too common for those in the church too. God tells us something we are to do, shows us ways to improve your life, or warns us to of habits that will lead us away from him, and we just sit there. Do not be like this, daughters. When Jesus called his disciples they immediately left their boats (Matthew 4:20 & 22)  So, when God speaks to you, jump, and on your way up ask... how high!


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