Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Laugh With Me, Genesis 21:6-7

Laugh With Me

Genesis 21:6 Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."

Sarah had a son in her old age. Throughout the previous 50 years or so (not told when Sarai and Abram married) Sarah had to live with the fact that she could not bear a child. Then came the prophesies of God that Abram would have descendants as numerous as a stars in the sky... impossible. Sarah may have been more than just laughed at, she most likely was scorned. After Sarai gave her servant to her husband to have a child, Hagar mocked and despised her. More years past until Sarah was old and without hope. And, one last promise, she was to have a baby boy within a year. Sarah had enough, the pain, the heartache, it brought on unbelief, and she laughed at herself and at God. No way, there was no way she could have a child...

But then she became pregnant and the baby grew and her attitude began to change. She was going to have a child. This is real. It is truly going to happen! The day finally came and the child was born and her joy was complete. Now it was time to gather round and celebrate. No longer would people laugh at her. They would now laugh with her.

Where has all the real laughter gone? When have you last been laughed, really laughed, laughed so hard your belly hurt, so hard that food came out your nose. Okay, a little gross, but it seems like laugher today is often fake, or trumped up, or done over something inappropriate. Why can't we just laugh because of the joy inside has to come out. Let's allow the Lord to turn our sorrows into joy (John 16:20) and just laugh together.

K and A, We have had times when we laughed together. But, they are not as often as they should be. Often it has happened when others were around; we try to make the atmosphere pleasant, so we joke and laugh. Your mother say I do not laugh or smile enough. I am sure I have been too serious and desirous to have my children turn out just right and my disciple and corrections have been to stern. This does not set a tone that produces laughter. Help me lighten it up, and laugh with me. If nothing else, it will strengthen those belly muscles.


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