Monday, November 13, 2017

So What If I Do, Genesis 19:18-26

So, What If I Do

Genesis 19:26 But Lot's wife looked back and she became a  pillar of salt.

Lot had been told to flee to the mountains, but he complained he might not make it in time. So, the angels permitted them to flee to a small town within running distance and promised that they would spare that town out of all in the plains. They ran throughout the night and reaching the city by dawn. Then, the Lord rained down burning sulfur and destroyed the area and all in it, except the small town of Zoar. Lot and his family had been told not to look back, but Lot's wife could not keep from doing so. And when she did, she was turn into a pillar of salt.

So, what if I don't obey? What are you going to do about it? What can it hurt if I don't listen? What is the worst that could happen? Sin fools us. Satan asked Eve, Did God really say (Genesis 3:1)... and Eve listened to him instead of God even when she knew what God had said. Like Eve, Lot's wife exchanged the truth for a lie (Romans 1:25) and paid the price. We must not be like them. We must learn the truth and live according to it. That is what brings joy and contentment.

K and A, bring me joy by walking in the truth (2 John 1:4). You may choose to walk in your own way, according to the drives of your natural desires and think all will be okay. But, God says otherwise and calls you to walk according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1 KJV, Romans 8:4). As you walk in the Spirit it will produce a gratitude in me that I will have to share with others (3 John 1:3) Make my joy complete (Phillipians 2:2) by following to the words of Christ. Then you will be free to move about serving the Lord and not frozen in place for all to wonder what went wrong.


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