Thursday, November 16, 2017

Even The Wicked Fear God, Genesis 20

Even The Wicked Fear God

Genesis 20:11 Abraham replied, "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'

The accounting of Lot's adventures is complete, and we pick back up with the life of Abraham. He moves his family to the Negev to settle there for a time. While there, they meet the King of Gerar and he picked Sarah out to be his wife. Abraham and she had said they were brother and sister. God visited King Abimelech in a dream and told him he was as good as dead for taking Sarah to be his wife. The king feared for his life and replied to the Lord that he had no idea. The lord said he knew that and kept him from sinning against him by toughing her. Abimelech returned Sarah and had Abraham pray for him and his family as the Lord commanded, for the Lord had cursed his household. The King paid Abraham money, animals, and slaves for what he had done, and Abraham was allowed to live anywhere he wanted.

There is a lot that we can't understand here. Many talk about these verses and speak of how Abraham didn't fully trust God and was therefor unfaithful. I don't see it that way and want to spend time in another area... Abraham look at the wickedness of the area and guessed that there was no way that the people could fear God. It is easy for us to see evil and think they no nothing of God. But in my life, I have found this to not be the case. It is true that many do not follow God and other who really don't understand the way of the cross. But deep down inside, man knows there is a God and that they must fear him (Romans 1:20). It is our duty to show them that atonement for sins is through Jesus (1 John 2:2).

Another related area that I want to speak of is the craziness of those who have believed in and accepted Christ's atonement and then live their lives as if fearing God is no longer necessary. How foolish. This is not right. Forgiveness is not for all future sins you may commit. the saying we aren't perfect just forgiven is misleading.

K and A, even the wicked fear God. You must as well. You are to be holy as God is holy, perfect as he is perfect (Matthew 4:48). God can be your best friend who loves you immensely though all your trouble, even sin, but he is also your judge! He is the only one who can cast you in the fire (Matthew 10:28). Be wise, daughters, live for him, serve him, and love him in all areas of your life.


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