Monday, November 6, 2017

Unmentionable Acts, Genesis 19:4-5

Unmentionable Acts

Genesis 19:5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, so we can have sex with them."

Lot had urged the two visitors to not to stay in the street for he knew the danger that existed in the city. We know that there were less than ten righteous people in the whole area and wickedness was out of control. This verse proves it. What a disgusting thought? How vile can you be? Evil thoughts lead to evil actions and completely engulfs the mind, body, and soul.

We see the beginnings of this in our world today. Less than ten years ago most states were passing laws that defined marriage between a man and a woman. Acceptance of homosexuality was on the decline and transgenderism was an oddity. But, the last 4 years of the last president turn all that around. Sexuality has become very open. Homosexuality is rampant. To be against transgenders using either bathroom is called intolerant. States have been fraught with lawsuits to open women's bathrooms to men who can't figure out which gender they are. Gender has been separated from biological truths. There are so many letters that have been added to lesbian that we don't know how many letters there are... lbgtqia, ridiculous!

K and A, we are a sexualized society. We are very similar to the times in the Roman empire. Paul described you as children of the light and that you should have nothing to do with the acts of darkness. He said it is shameful to even discuss what they do in secret (Ephesians 5:12). Sadly, today much of what is done is open for all to see. This especially true on the internet. You can seek out the most vile acts. Pedophilia is one of the few acts of wickedness that is seen as wrong, save rape and teachers/student relationships and that is becoming common. Where do you stand? How has society affect your beliefs? God said that adultery is an evil worthy of death. That's been normalized today. Seek the truths of Scripture. Read the old testament to see what God calls evil, then abhor those things even when it hits close home. Be an example of righteousness and a witness to the light to which you have been called to live. Put your life on a stand for all to see (Luke 8:16). It will lead them to Jesus, the light of the world.


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