Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tree of Remembrance, Genesis 21:33

Tree of Remembrance

Genesis 21:33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, And there he called on the name if the Lord, the Eternal God

After the peace agreement had been made with Abimelech, Abraham settled in the land of the Philistines for a long time. With the security of peace at hand, Abraham worshipped God. There in Beersheba, he planted a tree and called on the name of the Lord.

With the relative peace we live in today in our country, it is easy to forget the dangers of marauding forces that faced Abraham on his day. This still happens in parts of our world. but rarely do we think of it. But the things that happened to Abraham were written down for our benefit and to help us in the live our lives today. His experiences can be applied to our circumstances, especially spiritually (1 Corinthians 10:11). When God brings peace to our hearts, we need to appreciate his love. We need to call out to the Eternal God and honor him. It is crucial for us to remember what he has done for us and to create a way to do so. Here, Abraham planted a tree.

K and A, God has done great things for each of you, but if I were to ask yo to tell them to me, yo would be hard pressed to do so. Some of that is because you may not want to express it to me, but I'd say you would have a hard time telling others as well. Planting a tree is one way of expressing that. It reminds you and it is an avenue, a lead in, a segue into expressing what God has done for you. This happened in times past in both of your churches on a regular basis through testimonies, but today we fail to do that in all but a few denominations. This was a way to remember what the Lord has done for us, to keep us from falling back into the same old pattern of sin. So find your method of remembering the peace that God brought into your life even if it is planting a tree.


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