Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Honor Your Word, Genesis 21:22-34

Honor Your Word

Genesis 21:31 So that place was called Beersheba, because the two men swore an oath there.

Abraham had dug a well at some point in time. Later, the servants of Abimelech would not let him use it. Abimelech wanted to get along with Abraham and wanted him to promise that he would get not deal falsely with him. (Remember here that Abimelech was the one who gave Sarah back when the Lord said he was in big trouble for taking her as his wife.) Abraham agreed under one condition, Abimelech would have to give the well back. They all agreed and swore an oath to one another and they all went to their own areas and got along for a long time.

Notice that they swore an oath... Jesus set a new standard in the New Testament. He said that we are to no longer swear oaths. We need to be men of our word (humans of our word, if the New NIV were writing this blog). In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said let your yes be yes and your no be no anything beyond this is from the evil one (Matthew 5:37). We are to simply keep to our word and carry out what we said we would do.

A and K, in times past many Christians would not swear an oath in court to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. So, it is now practice in the courts to ask witnesses to swear or affirm to tell the truth. Funny though because today most church goers do not mind swearing oaths, or propping up their promises: by George I mean it, cross my heart and hope to die, pinky promise, I swear I mean it, I swear on my mother's grave and on and on. It means nothing to them to do so.

Daughters, you two are different. You know what the Bible says. I am not talking about honesty on this post, I have done that before and will do it in the future. My goal here is to tell you the importance of carrying out what you have promised. It has been said many times of contractors that they said they would be here and they didn't come for weeks. Why didn't they just say that in the first place. I can tell you of the couple places that I never returned to when I said I would be there for them. That was wrong of me! The word of a Christian is golden. You can count on it. You don't need to foolishly prop up your words with silly sayings or even eloquent sounding words. You just need to follow through. This is the kind of daughter that causes a father to be filled with gratitude towards God. He know she is following her Lord.


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