Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gone But Not Forgotten, Genesis 21:15-18

Gone But Not Forgotten

Genesis 21:17 God heard the boy crying and the angel of the Lord called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What is the matter Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.

Hagar went on her way carrying the load of supplies and water on her shoulders as Ishmael followed along. When the water ran out, they began to thirst. Soon they were parched to the point of death, so Hagar left her son to die, for it was more than she could bear to watch. The boy lay crying and weeping, and Hagar began to sob as well. But, God heard their cries, and his angel called to her from heaven and said to not be afraid for God has heard the boy's cry. Lift up the boy for I will make him into a great nation.

There are times when life gets rough. We may find ourselves rejected by others and feel abandoned and alone. Our heart breaks and we cry and pray to the Lord, but hear no answer. During those times it is important to that God does not turn a deaf ear to cries for help. He is not slow in lending a hand. We need not fear, for he is with us, and he will protect us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

K and A, each of you has left home and attended college. Now one of you is married. But, it matters not where you might be or in what stage or place in life you are, God will be there for you. This is especially important to remember when you feel abandon and all alone.  Whatever your problem, cry out to him. This is what Hezekiah did. He was told death was imminent. This brought him low, so in his sorrow, he cried out and prayed to the Lord, and the Lord heard his cry and added 15 years to his life. Daughters, I am not sure where God will lead you or through what trials he will bring you, but I do know you will not be forgotten. Call to him, for he is waiting you help you.


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