Thursday, February 28, 2019

Heard That Before, 2 Timothy 2:14a

Hear That Before

2 Timothy 2:14a Keep reminding of these things

The common methods for teaching today excludes repetition and memorization, learning by rote. "They" believe that one does not learn if through memorization. The only way to learn is if you employ certain strategies, and if you do, the information will be remembered for life! Sad thing is, grades have not shown that to be true.

Certainly, we must do more than memorize pointless facts. They must have meaning and importance to our life. It is the same in the church. When we fail to talk about what God expects from us, when we fail to hear the Scriptures over and over again... we soon forget what the Scriptures say... oh, wait that a major problem in the church today.

K and A, You may think that even I repeat myself over and over again. You said that already, How many time do you have to tell me, I know - I know already... I have been thinking about this a lot lately; We don't preach much of the Bible anymore. I am losing a lot myself because of it. We are stuck on relating our spiritual walk to movies, music, and cultural things, then we throw in a few verses to make it seem like we are in church. Paul said to keep reminding, or repeating these things - He had something specific in mind with Timothy, but we can apply it to all the Word of God. I encourage you, daughters, to read and reread the Word of God. Listen to sermons, Bible lessons, radio programs and music that deepen your faith in God. Make sure you, and they, study the whole Bible, not just one area, one theme. Be willing to hear it again and again for Grandpa just said the other day - I was just listening to a certain scripture I've read over many times... I went back and listened again because I found something totally new I've never noticed before. David loved the law of the Lord and knew that he needed to meditate on it time and time again. Take a look at Psalm 1, its worth reading.


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