Tuesday, January 29, 2019

He Is Able, 2 Timothy 1:11-12

He Is Able

2 Timothy 1:12 That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I believe , and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.

God is able! He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. He will not let anyone or thing steal us out of his hand. We can trust him and we should. Let us not trust in ourselves for when we think we are strong it is easy to fall, but when we are weak, then he is strong and helps us to stand.

K and A, Don't you think you can do it all on your own. That is contrary to your faith. Yes, you do have a responsibility to stand, to be strong, to walk correctly, but you must never forget where your strength comes from, it comes from the Lord. And when he is your life, he will keep you from falling no matter the trail or spiritual attack. Do not be ashamed of being a Christian and put your trust in his hands. He will not fail you.


  I Know Whom I Have Believed

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Gospel Brings Life, 2 Timothy 1:10

The Gospel Brungs Life

2 Timothy 1:10 but [grace] has been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Death came when sin entered the world. Before Adam and Eve sinned, man was immortal, they were to live forever. But, when they partook of the forbidden fruit, their eyes were open to good and evil and death and destruction became a certainty. There is a saying that goes like this, the only certainty in life is death and taxes (Ben Franklin). And so it is, death is waiting for all those born in the world. All people know this to be true, but many do not know there is a second death, a certainty that can be avoided if we receive the grace provided in Jesus! The gospel of God's grace brings life to all who accept it and live in accordance with it, for their names will be written in the Book of Life.

 K and A, I am glad that you accepted this grace, God's undeserved gift of salvation. Your names have been written in the Book of Life and eternal life is yours. The gospel of Jesus is for you and all those that believe in his name. You have eternal life in him! The second death, the lake of fire, is not for you. Thank the Lord, for he is good!


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Answer His Call, 2 Timothy 1:9

Answer His Call

2 Timothy 1:9 [God], who has saved us and called us to a holy life, not because of anything that we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

Who made our salvation possible? For what purpose did Christ extend to us the grace of God? How does God expect us to live now that we are saved? These are important questions of our faith! This verse enlightens us to the answers of these questions.

Before the beginning of time, God planned for Jesus to come and redeem us from our sin. He knew that we could not live a holy life even if we were perfect. We would choose to fulfil our natural desires in a perverted way, a way that was contrary to his character. God created us with the ability to choose, and man chose to disobey God and live his own way (Genesis 3). Man ran from God, but God wanted to forgive them and renew the relationship they had. He wanted man to be like him for He is holy, it is his character.

But, man would have to choose to do so. God would not force man to follow him, to be like him. No, he wanted man desire to be like him. He would make a way for man to do so, that way was and remains Christ. Through his indwelling Spirit, man would be able to please God. He would have the ability to obey his commands and lead a holy life. This is why he saved us, he calls each of us to a holy life.

A and K, answer his call! Live out your salvation in the power and strength of the Spirit. It is not that we said, "come, let's be like God, holy and pure." No, he reached out to us, he reached out to you. He calls you and desires a relationship with you. He says, "I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you." You can trust him to be there with you, for it was his idea to extend his grace to you in the first place. Respond by answering his call not only to be saved but to be holy.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Loving Is Sharing Christ, 2 Timothy 1:8

Loving Is Sharing Christ

2 Timothy 1:8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. but join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.

In my last post, I spoke of the need for self-discipline and power to teach the love of God. The gospel is the expression of God's love for man. The truth that God sent his one and only son into the world to save them instead of condemning them is love at its fullest measure. Christ came as a child, grew to become a man, was perfect in all he said and did, yet he was killed by the hands of the ones he came to redeem. In spite of all this, he forgave them and made a way for them to be reconciled to God, his father. He was not ashamed to be God's son and do right. He didn't alter what he believed to keep from being mocked and ridiculed. No, he was willing to suffer for living the life God desired. He lifted up the down trodden, helped the weak, healed the sick and fed the spiritually deficient. He was the gospel that we are share.

K and A, You are the living gospel of Jesus Christ. Other's will know about Christ through your speech and actions.  Do not ever be ashamed to be called a Christian. Strive to be perfect in all you say and do. Give to the world the true picture of the love the Father has for them. Be willing to suffer as the godly women of the past have done in order that all may know that Christ came to pay their penalty of sin, through his death on the cross. Tell them that they can have peace with God and  eternal life with him in Glory. Love them by sharing Christ with them through your life and through your words.


  How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Some others that I saw that toughed my heart (one, I keep posting because it effects me so)
  I Just Want To Thank You Lord
  He Paid A Debt He Did Not Owe

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Gfits To Glorify God, 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Gifts To Glorify God

2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of  power, of love and of self-discipline.

Paul tells Timothy to fan into flame the gift of God had given him. From 1 Timothy 4, his gift appears to be the dissemination the Scriptures through public reading, teaching, and preaching. Notice that the gift was not matured when it was given, and it did not overtake the will of the recipient. It was Timothy's responsibility to develop and use his gift, to build up and magnify what he was given. But, we see here that God gave him other gifts to aid him in growing his gift. These secondary gifts were power, love, and self-discipline.

K and A, God has enabled you to serve him with excellence. I believe that talents and gifts are given in three ways. One way is natural born talents, another is learned talents, and the third is gifts of the Spirit. Yet no matter how they are given, they must be developed. You must  fan into flame the talents God has given to you. And, with the power of the Spirit, you can. He gives you self-discipline to get to work, power to keep going, and love to properly use them benefit others. Take your natural, learned, and Spirit given gifts and use them to glorify God in your life today!


If you seem to be failing in developing one of your talents, check to see if your relationship with God is where it should be. Often, there is where the problem lies.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Heritage of Faith, 2 Timothy1:5

A Heritage Of Faith

2 Timothy 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, am persuaded, now lives in you also.

To walk in the footsteps of Jesus is the only worthy path to trod. All other roads lead to destruction. I am reminded of that old picture I mentioned in detail before... the road of life is filled with many side roads where various vices take you away from the narrow road, and the wide road where throngs of people flock to fulfill their deepest desire for pleasure. But many of us choose to follow the Lord. Some of us are fortunate enough to have been raised in godly homes who have followed Christ for generations upon generations and now, we too follow the Word.

K and A, each of you have been raised to follow Christ. Yet there is a concerted attack today that is pulling many young people from following Christ. The fight has always existed, yet there is a push in America to weaken the faith of many to follow the world which is disguised like the church. They think they are following Christ but they walking a self gratification. I stress pleasures a lot, but there is another major attack; it is social justice. It is a twist on scriptural principles. Maybe we will talk about it in detail sometime. Remember to live out the true principles of Scripture. This is what others before you have done. Daughters, because your back grounds are different, I need to address you separately...

K, your godly heritage does not run as deep. From what I remember you telling me, your Grandmother and Pap became saved after they were married. God moved in their lives to follow him in the way of holiness. They raised their children to know and follow him. Your uncle is a pastor, your real parents raised you, although separately, to follow Jesus. You now walk the narrow road in your own family, you and your husband. Question: Is your faith sincere? Will you continue the shallow heritage you have? Your husband's grandmother seems to have a Christian heritage. Will you fan into flame that warm coal and build a strong heritage for your children and grandchildren and beyond? Will they look back and see a godly grandmother who walked the way of holiness? It is your choice.

A, your heritage runs deep. As far back as can be seen on your father's side, you find followers of Christ. An Anabaptist heritage back at least into the 1600's, who sought peace and walked the Word. Whatever it said to do, they desired to do. It was their guide for life. You grew up in a godly household. with preacher back 4 to 5 generations. You too have chosen to follow Christ, the faith lives in you. But remember this, it matters not your heritage, for the choice to follow him is a choice for today, yea... this very moment. Because of your heritage, you have a great responsibility to walk circumspectly. Just because you grew up in a Christian home and go to a holiness college doesn't keep sin from gnawing at your toes. You too need to fan info flame the gift of life you have been handed to you. It is for you to lead the next generations through your godly character. Question: Will you allow the Spirit to stir your heart so you become that woman others will look to in the future? Will your children and grandchildren be able to say, my grandmother was such a saint of God. I want to be like her? It is your choice.

K and A, Choose today, this very moment. God has given you a great start. I am convinced God is working in your life. Don't quench the Spirit, rather allow him to make you holy, so you can carry the torch of the heritage of faith to the next generation.


Monday, January 21, 2019

Tears Of Separation, 2 Timothy 1:4

Tears Of SEparation

2 Timothy 1:4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.

Separation is difficult for those who love each other. It is only natural, they want to be with each other but are forced apart by circumstances they cannot control. Tears flow, and even later even as the memories draws them closer. But then the day comes, the day longed for, the day they are with each other again and joy fills each heart as they finally are back together...

K and A, I know each of you has felt this to some degree. I've seen your tears and witnessed your smiles. I felt the hugs of don't leave and the hugs of you came back! I like when my daughters return home... there is an old saying that runs true for those that love each other: Absence make the heart grow fonder. It is true with that special guy in your life, but it is also true when children, who love and honor their parents, return home. Separation is necessary at times, but oh, the joy when life is made whole again.


Check this scripture out for married couples... (1 Cor 7:5) Times of separation are needed in marriages. We must be careful not to read too much into this verse. It appears to refer to the realizing that there are spiritual benefits for short times of physical separation for a husband and wife. It does not say that it is necessary to separate so you can go hunting or fishing, or having a ladies' night out. No, it says for devotion to prayer.

Another Note:
The first December your mother and I got married, I went in and asked my boss for Monday and Tuesday off to go doe hunting. I told him that I wanted to go up north with my wife to go hunting.... he laughed, shook his head in disbelief, then said, "I go hunting to get away from my wife and you go hunting and take your wife with you." He couldn't understand. I thought it strange too. I got married to be with my wife, why did he get married?  side note,  we had gone to Westfield to the Brubaker farm just west of town. We stayed with Grandpa Allen and Aunt Lois. Two days after we left, he passed away. A special memories... I can still see Aunt Lois buttoning the top button of his union suit.

Glad For You, 2 Timothy 1:3

Glad For You

2 Timothy 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

Prayer is such an important opportunity for a Christian. It not only benefits the one who prays but for the one for whom the prayer was offered. Now Paul wrote quite the complex and a bit confusing sentence here. It appears that he is basically saying... I thank God for you as I remember you in my prayers. This would be the t part of the ACTS model for prayer. It is used to honor God for what he brings about in ones life. Paul appreciates Timothy and gives God thanks for providing him in his

A and K, I too thank God for the two of you in my life. Each has contributed to me in different ways. Each has their own abilities and strong points. God is using you not only to help me but to help those he brings you along your path of life. I may not constantly remember you in my prayers, but I am eternally thankful that he has given you to me. I will be praying for you in your journey through life.


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cherished, 2 Timothy 1:1-2


2 Timothy 1:2 To Timothy, my dear son. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am sure Paul had trained many people to teach the Word and lead the church throughout his missionary journey, yet none of them seem to be as special to him as Timothy. Paul, who had no children, since he had never married, loved and cared for Timothy as his very own. He was certainly a son in the faith with whom he had devoted much time and care. Timothy was dear to Paul's heart, and he could sense the love Paul had for him as he read each line. This love was not just personal but spiritual as well.

K and A, I hope as you read these posts that you can sense my love for each of you. It is why I spend time everyday, well almost, writing you a word of encouragement (some might say many words). Back to the point... I care for each of you. I want God's best in your life. He has great things for you and will lead and guide you to it. So, let me speak to each individually...

A, you are my true daughter, bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh, our DNA match you are mine! Oh how I want you to never forget that you are cherished. Three boys are great to have, yet life would not be the same if we hadn't had you, my deer. Oh, we never had all the girly things that most families would have had, but you brought a special air to our family. I want you to continue bringing a special air which affects the lives of others. One day, God will lead you to the right man to marry. You will bring an air of love and excitement to him. Come beside him and help him in his service to the Lord. Be a blessing to him. God will also use your talents to further his kingdom. You will bring a special air of compassion and a stir of love and care that will lead many to deepen their knowledge and faith in Christ. I pray that you will never leave the conservative values you have been taught. The worldly church has tempted many and taken over biblical values and doctrine to fulfil earthly, carnal desires. It saddens me. Never lose your faith, make a stand, do not become like them. You be the force for righteousness. Make me smile and say, That's my girl!

K, you have become one of mine. You chose to be one of us. I still remember the day you presented mother and I a PowerPoint presentation requesting us to be your adopted parents. When we agreed, you made us sign a Unofficial Certificate of Adoption. I still have a copy of it in my room where I placed it in 2013. That day, I committed to love and care for you as my very own. You have become very special in my life, and I cherish you as my daughter. Your life is very important to me. I pray for your devotion to God. Oh, I have been tough on you in the past to a point where you couldn't take it. I tried to make you like us... I should have allowed you to become like us. I care for you both personally and spiritually. Like Paul, I have devoted much time and effort to see you succeed spiritually. Like A, I pray that you will flee the temptations of today's church. The world has made negative inroads, pulling at the her foundations, so stand strong. Do not become like your generation who perverts sound judgment and tosses biblical doctrine aside to satisfy their own pleasures. You be the force for righteousness. Make me smile and say, That's my girl!


Friday, January 18, 2019

1 Timothy Recap, 1 Timothy 6:14

1 Timothy Recap

1 Timothy 6:14 I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ

It is hard to just pick one verse that encompasses the totality of any book in the Bible. I suppose that choice would probably be different for us all. So, the one I chose today might be different if I chose it on any other given time in life. The reason I chose this one is to stress the point that Timothy needed to keep to sound doctrine so the church would grow in maturity and could effectively move forward.

But, there are many aspects to the theme I chose that we discussed over the last five months. There are around 115 different posts written on 1st Timothy. Here are just a few of the titles I chose to name:
  • Jesus Our Hope
  • Teach Truth
  • Your Heritage Is Only As Good As You
  • Correct Others In Love
  • Blah, Blah, Blah
  • God Forgives The Worst
  • My Daughters
  • Learn The Hard Way
  • Dress Modestly, Serve Extravagantly
  • Above Reproach
  • Manage Your Family Well
  • Worthy Of Respect
  • True Godliness
  • Young Role Models
  • Held To A Higher Standard
  • Remain Pure
  • You're Not Dora
  • Hold tight
  • Amen
  • Grace Be With You
A and K, do you recognize any of them? Go back and review the ones that the Spirit spurs you on to hear again.. remember you can always go directly to the forever-Dad blog site and go back through and read any of them. But just looking at the titles can stir you... each is an encouragement in itself to keep the faith without spot or blame until Christ returns. That is why I write these posts in the first place, because I desire that you remain true to sound doctrine in your personal life, the life of your family, and in all you say and do througout entire life, No turning back!


I Have Decided To Follow Jesus

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Grace Be With You, 1 Timothy 6:21b

Grace Be With You

1 Timothy 6:21b Grace be with you

Have you always wanted to be the valedictorian? It is easy, just say goodbye. Paul finishes up his letter with a valediction. He says, "Grace be with you." What an appropriate way to end his letter to Timothy. After exhorting him to lead the people with integrity and honor, with all his warnings on what qualifies someone to become a leader in the church, and his teachings on how one who professes Christ should act, after all that, Paul says grace be with you all.

K and A, contrary to the teaching of many, the Bible is full of rules. But, you are not left alone in keeping them. God will be with you, It is through the empowerment of the Spirit that one keeps the will of the Father. It is through his grace that we enabled to obey his commands which shows, yea, even proves our love for him. (Is yea still a usable word?) Grace - God's gift, undeserved and all encompassing, his empowering strength to do his will.

My great-grandfather, Abram Hess, said that grace is like a field of lush clover. It is all there for the cow to eat, but she spends her time reaching under the fence for weeds... Daughters, God has a whole life full of grace for you to frolic in. Don't spend your life dabbling in what the world has to offer. It always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Rather, be obedient in the life God has given you. You will find grace there, and it will be more satisfying than you can imagine!

Grace and peace to you,

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Firm In Your faith, 1 Timothy 20b-21a

Firm In Your Faith

1 Timothy 20b-21a Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith.

Let me first say that it not know for sure what Paul meant by the word "knowledge". Some think it referred to Gnosticism, a teaching that one reaches God through knowledge (simple definition) and others think that Paul is referring to receiving special insight (knowledge) from God, even if it supersedes the Scriptures. The latter makes sense to me, but either is a danger in the church.

When we argue for the sake of arguing, we destroy relationships. When we hear someone babbling on and on, we must take heed for sin may be crouching at our door. Proverbs says, where there is much talk, there is sin (Prov 10:19). Babblers pervert the truths of Scripture and destroy the faith of many, leading them down paths that lead to destruction.

K and A, If the Spirit piques your soul when listening to music or sermons... be like the Bereans. Their words must match the totality of Scripture. Many "churches", and therefor many people, have been lead away from the truth to follow false teachings... The Church of LDS, The Jehovah Witnesses, and many popular churches of today - Joel Olsteen, Benny Hin, Jim Baaker back in the day, and so many more are examples. People get off track when they listen to all the words without comparing them to the Word. People wander from the faith at any age, young or old. Keep yourself in the Word and in in the fellowship of true believers who desire sound, proven doctrine. Stay firm in your faith.


Monday, January 14, 2019

Under Your Care, 1 Timothy 6:20

Under Your Care

1 Timothy 6:20a Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care.

God has given to each of us tasks to do. Some seem more grandiose than others, but he gives to each one according to their abilities. These tasks he has entrusted to us to develop and care for until his return. Some of these are similar for each. We must care for the truth of the gospel and sound doctrine, our personal relationship with Christ... it is of grave importance to make sure we continue to stand when our enemy, the devil, attacks. We can overcome and keep from sinning against God. Also, there are many individual duties that God has given; our marriage, raising up our children in the way of the Lord, our health, certain people God brings into our lives. As children of God, we are not our own. We were bought with a price and we now serve the living God and, like the angels, carry out his bidding.

K and A, There are many people God has entrusted to your care; parents, brothers, relatives, when married - your husband then possibly children.... but do not forget your own spiritual health. To each of you God calls you to be the caretaker for him. Do not take theses tasks lightly. Guard them, protect them, build them, help them to grow and develop for his honor and glory. For if you do you will hear those sought after words, well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of your Lord.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Perfect Portfolio, 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Proper Portfolio

1 Timothy 6:19 In this way, they will lay up treasures for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that us truly life.

What makes the perfect portfolio? What is it that will earn good returns and will profit you in the end? What will sustain you throughout the rest of your life? What is the proper way to go about designing that which is best for your future?         Good deeds, Generosity, and Willingness to Share.

These three things are paramount in living out one's salvation. You cannot remain a Christian living on the laurels of Christ. Certainly he is the author and perfecter of our faith, but each of us has a responsibility to live it out in our everyday life. Take Nehemiah, after threatened and made fun of, he brought his difficulties to the Lord in prayer, then he stirred up the people to continue the work of the Lord and took strength in God's goodness and finished the wall around Jerusalem.

K and A, carry on the work of the Lord. If it is teaching, then teach. If it helping the proverbial old lady across the street, then get her safely across without getting hit. Paul says that when we share and help others through our good deeds, it not only benefits them, it pays off for you in eternity. The perfect portfolio consist of a diverse accounting of good deeds done for the enrichment of others, not ourselves. Money is good in its proper place. God gives us good things for our pleasure, but not just us alone. He expect us to share them with others. Do so, and it will bring about a storehouse of great dividends you seek... throughout eternity.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Amen, 1 Timothy 6:16b


1 Timothy 6:16b to him be honor and might forever. Amen.

Amen, added at the end of most prayers, is not just a word denoting that you are finished praying. No, it is a declaration that what you have just prayed about is true and that it is your sure desire. Think about what Paul is saying here... His sure desire is that God is honored by everyone, and that God's remains the most powerful force among us and that all people respect his authority. Amen!

K and A, God rules over all. It is probable that times will come in your life when you will wonder where God is, and if he is in control. Take heart, he is there! No one can over power him. There will come a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to God. God will never leave you, nor will he forsake you. It's true, I believe it, Amen and Amen!


Years back, there was a pastor at the two churches in Ickesburg, the Lutheran and UCC (now Faith United) the same time Grandpa was at Saville. Pastor James Gold was a shorter man who had a BIG voice. He projected quite well... he would always end his prayers with a hearty AaaMEN! Still makes me smile... had to be there I suppose.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The God We Serve, 1 Timopthy 6:15-16

The God We Serve

1 Timothy 6:15b God, the blessed Ruler, the King of kings, and Lord of Lords

I don't have much to say here. I just want to let you know whom it is we serve, how magnificent he really is. We must never forget it. Here are just of few of his attributes, his titles which Paul expresses here in 1 Timothy.
  • God
  • Ruler
  • King of kings
  • Lord of lords
  • Immortal
  • Unapproachable (physically, visually)
God may be the Ruler and Lord of all, but he is not a tyrant! God may not be approachable in person, but he is approachable in spirit. You cannot see him, but his presence can be with us. God, the Ruler of all, is all powerful and all knowing. He is forever here to care for his people. No one can overpower him nor his followers.

K and A, You can rely on God. He will take you under his wing and protect you. No one can snatch you from the hand of your father! You do not serve a weak God, He is the King of kings and Lord over all. Stick by him and serve him always. His kingdom is forever!



Thursday, January 10, 2019

He Will Appear, 1 Timothy 6:14-15

He Will Appear

1 Timothy 6:14b without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We know how we are to act as Christians. We are to be like God, pure and holy. We are to be without blemish (spot or blame) until we die or Christ returns. He will appear one day. God will bring this about. It is his promise to all and we who are looking for him will see Christ appear in the clouds.

Check this out, I found these verses in Colossians:
These verses support what Paul says to Timothy:
  • first that When we are hidden in Christ, in other words, Christians, Christ will return for us. We will be with him in glory.
  • And second, that we are to put away all that is not righteous... sexual immorality, lusts, greed etc... We must remove from our lives all that hinders and entangles our walk, so that when Christ returns he will find us faithful.

K and A, Christ will return... will you have put to death all that is impure and unholy from your life before he does? It is truth, someday he will return, be ready!


Song...  Find Us faithful by Steve Green  Check out the words... so important.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Spotless, 1 Timothy 6:12-14


1 Timothy 6:14 I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ

How should Christians live their lives? Should they just accept the idea that we are all sinners, and that we sin in thought, word, and deed in each moment of time until Christ's returns? When someone is caught in a sin, do we excuse their sin and say, we all have our own sins we struggle with?

It is true that sin is real and as Christians we are not automatically immune to temptation therefor no longer subject to sinning. The fool who says this is out for an embarrassing awakening. The Scripture says, take heed lest ye fall. Without out the Spirit empowerment in our lives, we will fall.

But living in sin is not an option for a Christian. John says that we cannot go on sinning. We are to be a holy people. Paul says the same thing in Ephesians this way, Jesus cleanses us to present us to his Father as a glorious church without part or wrinkle.

K and A, you must not be fooled by today's worldly church. They believe that salvation is a moment in time, that we make a confession of who Christ is and that we are sinners and we are good to go for the rest of our lives. But, that is a lie of the Devil. Christianity is a life long commitment. It is a struggle against Satan and the powers of evil who are working to have you back. They infiltrate the church, its music, its teachings, and doctrine to tear us away from Christ. Sin is rampant in today's church and everyone thinks it is normal... Sadly, I guess you can say they are right, but that is not the way God intended, and we suffer for it. You, on the other hand, know how you should live, you ought to live holy and godly lives. I charge you with this command as well, live as a Christian, without spot or blame, your whole life until Christ comes to take you home and help others do the same!


Song, Tis A Glorious Church  Orchestra playing then singing, a little hard to hear but they blessed me

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hold Tight, 1 Timothy 6:12b

Hold Tight

1 Timothy 6:12b Take hold of the eternal life which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I won't try to argue any points of what is meant by the eternal life and the good confession. I will refer to them slightly and in general terms...  Timothy made a confession of faith to many, and he believed in Christ; who he was and what he accomplished for us. Eternal life is more than just a future expectation of Christians, it is a way of life, now. In the verse, Paul may have also been referring to Timothy's commitment to teaching and preaching the Word of God not just salvation itself. No matter, his point here is that he must stick to his commitment, he must never give up and shrink back!

A and K, you both have made a commitment to Christ. Hold tight to the truths of the Word that you have been taught since birth. Rid yourselves of worldly teachings which promote the pleasures of the culture around us. Hang on to sound doctrine. Be like the Bereans, who, to prove Paul's message, went to the Scriptures to see if his words lined up (Acts 17:11). Just because Paul was a great man and convincing speaker didn't mean what he was saying was true. You must do the same. When you find it wrong... hold tight to the truth even as others forsake it. You made a commitment to Christ and before others. Live it everyday.


Monday, January 7, 2019

You're Not Dora, 1 Timothy 6:12a

You're Not Dora

1 Timothy 6:12a Fight the good fight of faith

It is easy for most Christian in the United States to take their faith for granted, something given them that cannot be taken away. But, that is not the case. Our faith is something we continually fight for in order to hang on to. There is an enemy that comes to infiltrate our ranks and steals from us, and when we are lax in our walk with the Lord, the enemy takes it away and we do not understand where it has gone. We need to be constantly on our guard! Paul says in Ephesians 6 that we need to put on the full armor of God... what do we need armor for, if we are not in a battle? Christianity is not just and adventure, it is war!

K and A, don't go around thinking you are Dora the Explorer in some adventure. You may be super cool, but that does little good when standing up against the flaming arrows of the evil one. For that you need the shield of faith. For this reason you fight good fight. Yet, you do not fight on your own super powers you fight under the power and authority of Christ our Lord. Even Michael the archangel could not stand against Satan but rebuked him in the name of the Lord (Jude 1:9).

It's right to have a great time, going about helping others, but oh man, remember that life is not all fun and games. Today is not some episode on animated adventure... you are in a real battle for the souls of man and for your own soul too! Be on your guard and when you have done all to stand... Stand your ground and never quit.


Sunday, January 6, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 4: True Riches, 1 Timothy 6:11

I Want To Br Rich, Part 4: True Riches

1 Timothy 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

So, you want to be rich? Well, it takes hard work and dedication. You need to be smart and strive to be the best. Don't be lazy. Get up early and read and search for way to excel. After all that, put into practice the things you learned then reap the rewards of your labor.

That about sums it up, except what are you pursuing. Riches are a payment for your efforts but if you seek the wrong things or do so with the wrong motives. Therefor, seek God first and his righteousness and [true riches] will be added unto you. And what will be the sign that you are becoming rich? Check out the following list:
  • You flee the desire for high position and monetary status
  • You purse Righteousness and live it
  • Your striving for Godliness can be seen by others
  • You are intent on living out your Faith
  • You Love God and others and others feel it
  • Your Endurance outlast the hardships that comes
  • Gentleness is evident to all
K and A, will you ever be truly rich? If so, everyone will know, for your life will exemplify Christ and his character. Work hard, be dedicated, read his word and see what it means to live a holy life. Search his Word to see how you can excel in the faith. You will become a blessing to others helping them in their Christian walk, so, one day, they too can enjoy the true riches of life.


Saturday, January 5, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 3: Warnings, 1 Timothy 6:9-10

I Want To Be Rich, Part 3: Warnings

1 Timothy 6:9 People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and fall into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

There is a problem with wanting to get rich. It cannot be denied. It has been proven true over the centuries and even thousands of years! The drive to be rich cultivates sin. Here are a few of the warning of the dangers of striving for riches:  You
  • Fall into temptation
  • Fall into a trap
  • Fall into many foolish desires
  • Fall into many harmful desires
  • Plunge into ruin
  • Plunge into destruction
  • Commit all kinds of evil
  • Are Pierced with many griefs
  • Wander from the faith
K and A, look at the list above. Notice the dangers, pay attention to the warning. Verse ten says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Many say, it's the love of it, not money itself... that may be true, but just having it causes issues which the poor do not have. Keep yourself from the draw money has... I have known of families who owned businesses who never would open on Sunday... but as pressure mounted, they caved in because everyone knows successful businesses in today's world has to be open on Sunday. Can anyone say Chick-fil-a? So they sell their souls for the money they can gain on Sunday. I also know a family that gave up a franchise because they want to be closed on Sunday

Don't be pierced with many grief, watch harmful desires that yearn for money and success, rather look for the traps Satan hides across your path... If you are on the look-out for his tricks your money will grow and you will be able to utilize it in godly and effective ways for God's kingdom!


Friday, January 4, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 2: Big Returns, 1 Timothy 6:6-8

I Want To Be Rich, Part 2: Big Returns

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain

Why do people want to be rich? What does it mean to be rich?  How do we know if we are?

Those are some good questions:

To most, being rich means you have more money that you know what to do with, you have to look for ways to spend it - but even poor people looks for ways to spend the little they have and as they get more they never have enough. To most, being rich means you have no worries and when the bills come due there is money to pay the mortgage and car loan, food on the table. Ah, it's great - sad thing is most never find that true. Their houses are bigger, car fancier and there is still not enough to go around. As far as worrying... there is far more to worry about. Who is going to robs a poor man's shack?

Being rich is far to often seen as money in your bank account or portfolio, the type of car or size of one's house. But it is not! Being rich deals with the return on your investment and whether it last the test of time. Godliness with contentment defines being rich. Those who have invested the time and effort to become godly find that they are content no matter their place in life. It is good for the age they are in and far superior for the age to come than any amount of wealth one could have here on this earth. A day will come when all on earth will be consumed by fire, so what kind of wealth brings any returns if all is to be destroyed? Holiness, godliness, righteousness, all these things will last and will last through eternity.

So, being rich is being godly. And we know if we are holy if we are content with just food and clothes (and I would add shelter) Then, if we are in jail for being a Christian, no problem, we have food to eat and a roof over our head. Sounds harsh, but it is what Paul went through and he said, I have learn to be content whatever the circumstances, and he had a lot of tough circumstances!

A and K, money is necessary. Many strive to get all they can and no one better stand in their way. Money drives people to power and lies. It changes who they were into people you do not know. And despite all they have, they never seem to be truly happy. You, on the other hand need to be content with what you have. I did not say you need to be lazy! You need to be content as you do your work well and are compensated accordingly. Invest your time on becoming holy and pure, like God, and when you do so, the returns of contentment will be yours and you will be rich, because you are full of God!


Thursday, January 3, 2019

I Want To Be RIch, Part 1: False Motives, 1 Timothy 6:3-5

I Want To Be Rich, Part 1: False Motives

1 Timothy 6:5b who think godliness is a means to financial gain.

Paul was the man who said that a worker deserves his wages. Now he is saying do not look to your godliness as a means to financial gain. How can these be put together? How can both be correct? I see this way... when one goes into ministry, and while there for that matter, it is not to be for the purpose of money. Think about guidance counselors in too many schools... what is the drive for which career you pick? How much money you can make, what is the salary for a doctor or lawyer? But, do you want to be seen by the doctor who is there just for the money? Oh look, that doctor is rich, I want him to do surgery on my child's brain... NO! You go for the one who is skilled in his work and cares about his patients. (I know, often we just get who we get).

You get the point though. We need preachers and teachers who love God, desire the truth, want to share Christ and his way with us. If all he cares about is the money, we are in trouble.

K and A, money is necessary, but it comes with many ills. It has brought many a good woman down. God is calling you into his service, maybe as a nurse or as a teacher. Do not make your decision of where you work based on the money. If he calls you to it, he will provide you with it.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Employee Or Slave, 1 Timothy 6:1-2

Employee Or Slave

1 Timothy 6:1 All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered.

Ever work for a guy who treats you like you were nothing. He thinks I'm his slave or something. There has to be laws against this kind of boss! I suppose there is. We certainly live in a different environment than Paul did. Here in America, we can form unions and bargain for better wages and benefits. There is OSHA and the Department of Labor, lawyers and so much more, and we also can just quit and get another job or start our own company. Really, we have it made compared to Paul's day.

K and A, be careful not to join in all the hullabaloo that is found in the work place. Complaining and name calling, accusations and the like destroys the unity that need to exist for work to get done effectively. If you are being treated wrongly, than file the right complaints, otherwise consider your boss a master worthy of full respect and do what they ask with smiles and eagerness. Work will go so much more pleasant and enjoyable and normally, your boss will respond well to your attitude. God will be pleased as well for his name and the church will not be maligned.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Let Others Catch You, 1 Timothy 5:25

Let Others Catch You

1 Timothy 5:25 In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even though those that are not cannot be hidden.

What a great thought for the New Year: Let Others Catch You!

Daughters, I never heard the saying Be sure your good deeds will find you out, but it's true! People see the good you do but never tell you. They are obvious and are a blessing to others. So in this New Year do good to others. It will not go unnoticed.

I prefer doing good deeds like those in Matthew 25, doing them as a result of a need, and it is fun to do them in secret. One winter many years ago, your mother and I stopped at an old widow's house in Ickesburg and cleaned all the snow off her car and took off quickly... She never knew. But, it wasn't hidden from God, he caught us. What a great thing to be caught doing... something good.
