Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Grace Be With You, 1 Timothy 6:21b

Grace Be With You

1 Timothy 6:21b Grace be with you

Have you always wanted to be the valedictorian? It is easy, just say goodbye. Paul finishes up his letter with a valediction. He says, "Grace be with you." What an appropriate way to end his letter to Timothy. After exhorting him to lead the people with integrity and honor, with all his warnings on what qualifies someone to become a leader in the church, and his teachings on how one who professes Christ should act, after all that, Paul says grace be with you all.

K and A, contrary to the teaching of many, the Bible is full of rules. But, you are not left alone in keeping them. God will be with you, It is through the empowerment of the Spirit that one keeps the will of the Father. It is through his grace that we enabled to obey his commands which shows, yea, even proves our love for him. (Is yea still a usable word?) Grace - God's gift, undeserved and all encompassing, his empowering strength to do his will.

My great-grandfather, Abram Hess, said that grace is like a field of lush clover. It is all there for the cow to eat, but she spends her time reaching under the fence for weeds... Daughters, God has a whole life full of grace for you to frolic in. Don't spend your life dabbling in what the world has to offer. It always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Rather, be obedient in the life God has given you. You will find grace there, and it will be more satisfying than you can imagine!

Grace and peace to you,

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