Thursday, January 3, 2019

I Want To Be RIch, Part 1: False Motives, 1 Timothy 6:3-5

I Want To Be Rich, Part 1: False Motives

1 Timothy 6:5b who think godliness is a means to financial gain.

Paul was the man who said that a worker deserves his wages. Now he is saying do not look to your godliness as a means to financial gain. How can these be put together? How can both be correct? I see this way... when one goes into ministry, and while there for that matter, it is not to be for the purpose of money. Think about guidance counselors in too many schools... what is the drive for which career you pick? How much money you can make, what is the salary for a doctor or lawyer? But, do you want to be seen by the doctor who is there just for the money? Oh look, that doctor is rich, I want him to do surgery on my child's brain... NO! You go for the one who is skilled in his work and cares about his patients. (I know, often we just get who we get).

You get the point though. We need preachers and teachers who love God, desire the truth, want to share Christ and his way with us. If all he cares about is the money, we are in trouble.

K and A, money is necessary, but it comes with many ills. It has brought many a good woman down. God is calling you into his service, maybe as a nurse or as a teacher. Do not make your decision of where you work based on the money. If he calls you to it, he will provide you with it.


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