Saturday, January 5, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 3: Warnings, 1 Timothy 6:9-10

I Want To Be Rich, Part 3: Warnings

1 Timothy 6:9 People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and fall into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

There is a problem with wanting to get rich. It cannot be denied. It has been proven true over the centuries and even thousands of years! The drive to be rich cultivates sin. Here are a few of the warning of the dangers of striving for riches:  You
  • Fall into temptation
  • Fall into a trap
  • Fall into many foolish desires
  • Fall into many harmful desires
  • Plunge into ruin
  • Plunge into destruction
  • Commit all kinds of evil
  • Are Pierced with many griefs
  • Wander from the faith
K and A, look at the list above. Notice the dangers, pay attention to the warning. Verse ten says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Many say, it's the love of it, not money itself... that may be true, but just having it causes issues which the poor do not have. Keep yourself from the draw money has... I have known of families who owned businesses who never would open on Sunday... but as pressure mounted, they caved in because everyone knows successful businesses in today's world has to be open on Sunday. Can anyone say Chick-fil-a? So they sell their souls for the money they can gain on Sunday. I also know a family that gave up a franchise because they want to be closed on Sunday

Don't be pierced with many grief, watch harmful desires that yearn for money and success, rather look for the traps Satan hides across your path... If you are on the look-out for his tricks your money will grow and you will be able to utilize it in godly and effective ways for God's kingdom!


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