Friday, January 11, 2019

The God We Serve, 1 Timopthy 6:15-16

The God We Serve

1 Timothy 6:15b God, the blessed Ruler, the King of kings, and Lord of Lords

I don't have much to say here. I just want to let you know whom it is we serve, how magnificent he really is. We must never forget it. Here are just of few of his attributes, his titles which Paul expresses here in 1 Timothy.
  • God
  • Ruler
  • King of kings
  • Lord of lords
  • Immortal
  • Unapproachable (physically, visually)
God may be the Ruler and Lord of all, but he is not a tyrant! God may not be approachable in person, but he is approachable in spirit. You cannot see him, but his presence can be with us. God, the Ruler of all, is all powerful and all knowing. He is forever here to care for his people. No one can overpower him nor his followers.

K and A, You can rely on God. He will take you under his wing and protect you. No one can snatch you from the hand of your father! You do not serve a weak God, He is the King of kings and Lord over all. Stick by him and serve him always. His kingdom is forever!



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