Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hold Tight, 1 Timothy 6:12b

Hold Tight

1 Timothy 6:12b Take hold of the eternal life which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I won't try to argue any points of what is meant by the eternal life and the good confession. I will refer to them slightly and in general terms...  Timothy made a confession of faith to many, and he believed in Christ; who he was and what he accomplished for us. Eternal life is more than just a future expectation of Christians, it is a way of life, now. In the verse, Paul may have also been referring to Timothy's commitment to teaching and preaching the Word of God not just salvation itself. No matter, his point here is that he must stick to his commitment, he must never give up and shrink back!

A and K, you both have made a commitment to Christ. Hold tight to the truths of the Word that you have been taught since birth. Rid yourselves of worldly teachings which promote the pleasures of the culture around us. Hang on to sound doctrine. Be like the Bereans, who, to prove Paul's message, went to the Scriptures to see if his words lined up (Acts 17:11). Just because Paul was a great man and convincing speaker didn't mean what he was saying was true. You must do the same. When you find it wrong... hold tight to the truth even as others forsake it. You made a commitment to Christ and before others. Live it everyday.


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