Thursday, January 10, 2019

He Will Appear, 1 Timothy 6:14-15

He Will Appear

1 Timothy 6:14b without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We know how we are to act as Christians. We are to be like God, pure and holy. We are to be without blemish (spot or blame) until we die or Christ returns. He will appear one day. God will bring this about. It is his promise to all and we who are looking for him will see Christ appear in the clouds.

Check this out, I found these verses in Colossians:
These verses support what Paul says to Timothy:
  • first that When we are hidden in Christ, in other words, Christians, Christ will return for us. We will be with him in glory.
  • And second, that we are to put away all that is not righteous... sexual immorality, lusts, greed etc... We must remove from our lives all that hinders and entangles our walk, so that when Christ returns he will find us faithful.

K and A, Christ will return... will you have put to death all that is impure and unholy from your life before he does? It is truth, someday he will return, be ready!


Song...  Find Us faithful by Steve Green  Check out the words... so important.

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