Friday, January 4, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 2: Big Returns, 1 Timothy 6:6-8

I Want To Be Rich, Part 2: Big Returns

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain

Why do people want to be rich? What does it mean to be rich?  How do we know if we are?

Those are some good questions:

To most, being rich means you have more money that you know what to do with, you have to look for ways to spend it - but even poor people looks for ways to spend the little they have and as they get more they never have enough. To most, being rich means you have no worries and when the bills come due there is money to pay the mortgage and car loan, food on the table. Ah, it's great - sad thing is most never find that true. Their houses are bigger, car fancier and there is still not enough to go around. As far as worrying... there is far more to worry about. Who is going to robs a poor man's shack?

Being rich is far to often seen as money in your bank account or portfolio, the type of car or size of one's house. But it is not! Being rich deals with the return on your investment and whether it last the test of time. Godliness with contentment defines being rich. Those who have invested the time and effort to become godly find that they are content no matter their place in life. It is good for the age they are in and far superior for the age to come than any amount of wealth one could have here on this earth. A day will come when all on earth will be consumed by fire, so what kind of wealth brings any returns if all is to be destroyed? Holiness, godliness, righteousness, all these things will last and will last through eternity.

So, being rich is being godly. And we know if we are holy if we are content with just food and clothes (and I would add shelter) Then, if we are in jail for being a Christian, no problem, we have food to eat and a roof over our head. Sounds harsh, but it is what Paul went through and he said, I have learn to be content whatever the circumstances, and he had a lot of tough circumstances!

A and K, money is necessary. Many strive to get all they can and no one better stand in their way. Money drives people to power and lies. It changes who they were into people you do not know. And despite all they have, they never seem to be truly happy. You, on the other hand need to be content with what you have. I did not say you need to be lazy! You need to be content as you do your work well and are compensated accordingly. Invest your time on becoming holy and pure, like God, and when you do so, the returns of contentment will be yours and you will be rich, because you are full of God!


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