Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cherished, 2 Timothy 1:1-2


2 Timothy 1:2 To Timothy, my dear son. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am sure Paul had trained many people to teach the Word and lead the church throughout his missionary journey, yet none of them seem to be as special to him as Timothy. Paul, who had no children, since he had never married, loved and cared for Timothy as his very own. He was certainly a son in the faith with whom he had devoted much time and care. Timothy was dear to Paul's heart, and he could sense the love Paul had for him as he read each line. This love was not just personal but spiritual as well.

K and A, I hope as you read these posts that you can sense my love for each of you. It is why I spend time everyday, well almost, writing you a word of encouragement (some might say many words). Back to the point... I care for each of you. I want God's best in your life. He has great things for you and will lead and guide you to it. So, let me speak to each individually...

A, you are my true daughter, bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh, our DNA match you are mine! Oh how I want you to never forget that you are cherished. Three boys are great to have, yet life would not be the same if we hadn't had you, my deer. Oh, we never had all the girly things that most families would have had, but you brought a special air to our family. I want you to continue bringing a special air which affects the lives of others. One day, God will lead you to the right man to marry. You will bring an air of love and excitement to him. Come beside him and help him in his service to the Lord. Be a blessing to him. God will also use your talents to further his kingdom. You will bring a special air of compassion and a stir of love and care that will lead many to deepen their knowledge and faith in Christ. I pray that you will never leave the conservative values you have been taught. The worldly church has tempted many and taken over biblical values and doctrine to fulfil earthly, carnal desires. It saddens me. Never lose your faith, make a stand, do not become like them. You be the force for righteousness. Make me smile and say, That's my girl!

K, you have become one of mine. You chose to be one of us. I still remember the day you presented mother and I a PowerPoint presentation requesting us to be your adopted parents. When we agreed, you made us sign a Unofficial Certificate of Adoption. I still have a copy of it in my room where I placed it in 2013. That day, I committed to love and care for you as my very own. You have become very special in my life, and I cherish you as my daughter. Your life is very important to me. I pray for your devotion to God. Oh, I have been tough on you in the past to a point where you couldn't take it. I tried to make you like us... I should have allowed you to become like us. I care for you both personally and spiritually. Like Paul, I have devoted much time and effort to see you succeed spiritually. Like A, I pray that you will flee the temptations of today's church. The world has made negative inroads, pulling at the her foundations, so stand strong. Do not become like your generation who perverts sound judgment and tosses biblical doctrine aside to satisfy their own pleasures. You be the force for righteousness. Make me smile and say, That's my girl!


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