Thursday, January 24, 2019

Loving Is Sharing Christ, 2 Timothy 1:8

Loving Is Sharing Christ

2 Timothy 1:8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. but join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.

In my last post, I spoke of the need for self-discipline and power to teach the love of God. The gospel is the expression of God's love for man. The truth that God sent his one and only son into the world to save them instead of condemning them is love at its fullest measure. Christ came as a child, grew to become a man, was perfect in all he said and did, yet he was killed by the hands of the ones he came to redeem. In spite of all this, he forgave them and made a way for them to be reconciled to God, his father. He was not ashamed to be God's son and do right. He didn't alter what he believed to keep from being mocked and ridiculed. No, he was willing to suffer for living the life God desired. He lifted up the down trodden, helped the weak, healed the sick and fed the spiritually deficient. He was the gospel that we are share.

K and A, You are the living gospel of Jesus Christ. Other's will know about Christ through your speech and actions.  Do not ever be ashamed to be called a Christian. Strive to be perfect in all you say and do. Give to the world the true picture of the love the Father has for them. Be willing to suffer as the godly women of the past have done in order that all may know that Christ came to pay their penalty of sin, through his death on the cross. Tell them that they can have peace with God and  eternal life with him in Glory. Love them by sharing Christ with them through your life and through your words.


  How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Some others that I saw that toughed my heart (one, I keep posting because it effects me so)
  I Just Want To Thank You Lord
  He Paid A Debt He Did Not Owe

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