Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Spotless, 1 Timothy 6:12-14


1 Timothy 6:14 I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ

How should Christians live their lives? Should they just accept the idea that we are all sinners, and that we sin in thought, word, and deed in each moment of time until Christ's returns? When someone is caught in a sin, do we excuse their sin and say, we all have our own sins we struggle with?

It is true that sin is real and as Christians we are not automatically immune to temptation therefor no longer subject to sinning. The fool who says this is out for an embarrassing awakening. The Scripture says, take heed lest ye fall. Without out the Spirit empowerment in our lives, we will fall.

But living in sin is not an option for a Christian. John says that we cannot go on sinning. We are to be a holy people. Paul says the same thing in Ephesians this way, Jesus cleanses us to present us to his Father as a glorious church without part or wrinkle.

K and A, you must not be fooled by today's worldly church. They believe that salvation is a moment in time, that we make a confession of who Christ is and that we are sinners and we are good to go for the rest of our lives. But, that is a lie of the Devil. Christianity is a life long commitment. It is a struggle against Satan and the powers of evil who are working to have you back. They infiltrate the church, its music, its teachings, and doctrine to tear us away from Christ. Sin is rampant in today's church and everyone thinks it is normal... Sadly, I guess you can say they are right, but that is not the way God intended, and we suffer for it. You, on the other hand, know how you should live, you ought to live holy and godly lives. I charge you with this command as well, live as a Christian, without spot or blame, your whole life until Christ comes to take you home and help others do the same!


Song, Tis A Glorious Church  Orchestra playing then singing, a little hard to hear but they blessed me

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