Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Heritage of Faith, 2 Timothy1:5

A Heritage Of Faith

2 Timothy 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, am persuaded, now lives in you also.

To walk in the footsteps of Jesus is the only worthy path to trod. All other roads lead to destruction. I am reminded of that old picture I mentioned in detail before... the road of life is filled with many side roads where various vices take you away from the narrow road, and the wide road where throngs of people flock to fulfill their deepest desire for pleasure. But many of us choose to follow the Lord. Some of us are fortunate enough to have been raised in godly homes who have followed Christ for generations upon generations and now, we too follow the Word.

K and A, each of you have been raised to follow Christ. Yet there is a concerted attack today that is pulling many young people from following Christ. The fight has always existed, yet there is a push in America to weaken the faith of many to follow the world which is disguised like the church. They think they are following Christ but they walking a self gratification. I stress pleasures a lot, but there is another major attack; it is social justice. It is a twist on scriptural principles. Maybe we will talk about it in detail sometime. Remember to live out the true principles of Scripture. This is what others before you have done. Daughters, because your back grounds are different, I need to address you separately...

K, your godly heritage does not run as deep. From what I remember you telling me, your Grandmother and Pap became saved after they were married. God moved in their lives to follow him in the way of holiness. They raised their children to know and follow him. Your uncle is a pastor, your real parents raised you, although separately, to follow Jesus. You now walk the narrow road in your own family, you and your husband. Question: Is your faith sincere? Will you continue the shallow heritage you have? Your husband's grandmother seems to have a Christian heritage. Will you fan into flame that warm coal and build a strong heritage for your children and grandchildren and beyond? Will they look back and see a godly grandmother who walked the way of holiness? It is your choice.

A, your heritage runs deep. As far back as can be seen on your father's side, you find followers of Christ. An Anabaptist heritage back at least into the 1600's, who sought peace and walked the Word. Whatever it said to do, they desired to do. It was their guide for life. You grew up in a godly household. with preacher back 4 to 5 generations. You too have chosen to follow Christ, the faith lives in you. But remember this, it matters not your heritage, for the choice to follow him is a choice for today, yea... this very moment. Because of your heritage, you have a great responsibility to walk circumspectly. Just because you grew up in a Christian home and go to a holiness college doesn't keep sin from gnawing at your toes. You too need to fan info flame the gift of life you have been handed to you. It is for you to lead the next generations through your godly character. Question: Will you allow the Spirit to stir your heart so you become that woman others will look to in the future? Will your children and grandchildren be able to say, my grandmother was such a saint of God. I want to be like her? It is your choice.

K and A, Choose today, this very moment. God has given you a great start. I am convinced God is working in your life. Don't quench the Spirit, rather allow him to make you holy, so you can carry the torch of the heritage of faith to the next generation.


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