Monday, January 21, 2019

Tears Of Separation, 2 Timothy 1:4

Tears Of SEparation

2 Timothy 1:4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.

Separation is difficult for those who love each other. It is only natural, they want to be with each other but are forced apart by circumstances they cannot control. Tears flow, and even later even as the memories draws them closer. But then the day comes, the day longed for, the day they are with each other again and joy fills each heart as they finally are back together...

K and A, I know each of you has felt this to some degree. I've seen your tears and witnessed your smiles. I felt the hugs of don't leave and the hugs of you came back! I like when my daughters return home... there is an old saying that runs true for those that love each other: Absence make the heart grow fonder. It is true with that special guy in your life, but it is also true when children, who love and honor their parents, return home. Separation is necessary at times, but oh, the joy when life is made whole again.


Check this scripture out for married couples... (1 Cor 7:5) Times of separation are needed in marriages. We must be careful not to read too much into this verse. It appears to refer to the realizing that there are spiritual benefits for short times of physical separation for a husband and wife. It does not say that it is necessary to separate so you can go hunting or fishing, or having a ladies' night out. No, it says for devotion to prayer.

Another Note:
The first December your mother and I got married, I went in and asked my boss for Monday and Tuesday off to go doe hunting. I told him that I wanted to go up north with my wife to go hunting.... he laughed, shook his head in disbelief, then said, "I go hunting to get away from my wife and you go hunting and take your wife with you." He couldn't understand. I thought it strange too. I got married to be with my wife, why did he get married?  side note,  we had gone to Westfield to the Brubaker farm just west of town. We stayed with Grandpa Allen and Aunt Lois. Two days after we left, he passed away. A special memories... I can still see Aunt Lois buttoning the top button of his union suit.

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