Sunday, January 6, 2019

I Want To Be Rich, Part 4: True Riches, 1 Timothy 6:11

I Want To Br Rich, Part 4: True Riches

1 Timothy 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

So, you want to be rich? Well, it takes hard work and dedication. You need to be smart and strive to be the best. Don't be lazy. Get up early and read and search for way to excel. After all that, put into practice the things you learned then reap the rewards of your labor.

That about sums it up, except what are you pursuing. Riches are a payment for your efforts but if you seek the wrong things or do so with the wrong motives. Therefor, seek God first and his righteousness and [true riches] will be added unto you. And what will be the sign that you are becoming rich? Check out the following list:
  • You flee the desire for high position and monetary status
  • You purse Righteousness and live it
  • Your striving for Godliness can be seen by others
  • You are intent on living out your Faith
  • You Love God and others and others feel it
  • Your Endurance outlast the hardships that comes
  • Gentleness is evident to all
K and A, will you ever be truly rich? If so, everyone will know, for your life will exemplify Christ and his character. Work hard, be dedicated, read his word and see what it means to live a holy life. Search his Word to see how you can excel in the faith. You will become a blessing to others helping them in their Christian walk, so, one day, they too can enjoy the true riches of life.


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