Monday, January 7, 2019

You're Not Dora, 1 Timothy 6:12a

You're Not Dora

1 Timothy 6:12a Fight the good fight of faith

It is easy for most Christian in the United States to take their faith for granted, something given them that cannot be taken away. But, that is not the case. Our faith is something we continually fight for in order to hang on to. There is an enemy that comes to infiltrate our ranks and steals from us, and when we are lax in our walk with the Lord, the enemy takes it away and we do not understand where it has gone. We need to be constantly on our guard! Paul says in Ephesians 6 that we need to put on the full armor of God... what do we need armor for, if we are not in a battle? Christianity is not just and adventure, it is war!

K and A, don't go around thinking you are Dora the Explorer in some adventure. You may be super cool, but that does little good when standing up against the flaming arrows of the evil one. For that you need the shield of faith. For this reason you fight good fight. Yet, you do not fight on your own super powers you fight under the power and authority of Christ our Lord. Even Michael the archangel could not stand against Satan but rebuked him in the name of the Lord (Jude 1:9).

It's right to have a great time, going about helping others, but oh man, remember that life is not all fun and games. Today is not some episode on animated adventure... you are in a real battle for the souls of man and for your own soul too! Be on your guard and when you have done all to stand... Stand your ground and never quit.


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