Saturday, January 26, 2019

Answer His Call, 2 Timothy 1:9

Answer His Call

2 Timothy 1:9 [God], who has saved us and called us to a holy life, not because of anything that we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

Who made our salvation possible? For what purpose did Christ extend to us the grace of God? How does God expect us to live now that we are saved? These are important questions of our faith! This verse enlightens us to the answers of these questions.

Before the beginning of time, God planned for Jesus to come and redeem us from our sin. He knew that we could not live a holy life even if we were perfect. We would choose to fulfil our natural desires in a perverted way, a way that was contrary to his character. God created us with the ability to choose, and man chose to disobey God and live his own way (Genesis 3). Man ran from God, but God wanted to forgive them and renew the relationship they had. He wanted man to be like him for He is holy, it is his character.

But, man would have to choose to do so. God would not force man to follow him, to be like him. No, he wanted man desire to be like him. He would make a way for man to do so, that way was and remains Christ. Through his indwelling Spirit, man would be able to please God. He would have the ability to obey his commands and lead a holy life. This is why he saved us, he calls each of us to a holy life.

A and K, answer his call! Live out your salvation in the power and strength of the Spirit. It is not that we said, "come, let's be like God, holy and pure." No, he reached out to us, he reached out to you. He calls you and desires a relationship with you. He says, "I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you." You can trust him to be there with you, for it was his idea to extend his grace to you in the first place. Respond by answering his call not only to be saved but to be holy.


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