Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Firm In Your faith, 1 Timothy 20b-21a

Firm In Your Faith

1 Timothy 20b-21a Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith.

Let me first say that it not know for sure what Paul meant by the word "knowledge". Some think it referred to Gnosticism, a teaching that one reaches God through knowledge (simple definition) and others think that Paul is referring to receiving special insight (knowledge) from God, even if it supersedes the Scriptures. The latter makes sense to me, but either is a danger in the church.

When we argue for the sake of arguing, we destroy relationships. When we hear someone babbling on and on, we must take heed for sin may be crouching at our door. Proverbs says, where there is much talk, there is sin (Prov 10:19). Babblers pervert the truths of Scripture and destroy the faith of many, leading them down paths that lead to destruction.

K and A, If the Spirit piques your soul when listening to music or sermons... be like the Bereans. Their words must match the totality of Scripture. Many "churches", and therefor many people, have been lead away from the truth to follow false teachings... The Church of LDS, The Jehovah Witnesses, and many popular churches of today - Joel Olsteen, Benny Hin, Jim Baaker back in the day, and so many more are examples. People get off track when they listen to all the words without comparing them to the Word. People wander from the faith at any age, young or old. Keep yourself in the Word and in in the fellowship of true believers who desire sound, proven doctrine. Stay firm in your faith.


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