Monday, January 14, 2019

Under Your Care, 1 Timothy 6:20

Under Your Care

1 Timothy 6:20a Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care.

God has given to each of us tasks to do. Some seem more grandiose than others, but he gives to each one according to their abilities. These tasks he has entrusted to us to develop and care for until his return. Some of these are similar for each. We must care for the truth of the gospel and sound doctrine, our personal relationship with Christ... it is of grave importance to make sure we continue to stand when our enemy, the devil, attacks. We can overcome and keep from sinning against God. Also, there are many individual duties that God has given; our marriage, raising up our children in the way of the Lord, our health, certain people God brings into our lives. As children of God, we are not our own. We were bought with a price and we now serve the living God and, like the angels, carry out his bidding.

K and A, There are many people God has entrusted to your care; parents, brothers, relatives, when married - your husband then possibly children.... but do not forget your own spiritual health. To each of you God calls you to be the caretaker for him. Do not take theses tasks lightly. Guard them, protect them, build them, help them to grow and develop for his honor and glory. For if you do you will hear those sought after words, well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of your Lord.


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