Tuesday, February 26, 2019

If We Are Faithless, He Remains Faithful, 2 Timothy 12:13

If We Are Faithless, He Remains Faithful

2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

We can twist the meaning of this verse, if we do not quote all of it. Kind of like the verse all things turn out for the good. That's what most people believe. Even in Christian circles we mess it up this verse, all thing turn out for the good for those that love him. But, Paul didn't finish there. He continued,... all things turn out for the good of those that love him AND are called to his purpose. Who gets called to do the will of the father? Those who are walking in obedience with Christ - doing his purposes, his will. We cannot sin and expect all things to work out for the good.

Back to today's verse, our unfaithfulness doesn't demand Christ be faithful to us. No, it demands that Christ be faithful to himself. He will not excuse our sins. He will not pretend our sin never happened. No, he remains faithful to punish us in our sin.

K and A, even as I write that, it sounds harsh. It wasn't as strange sounding in years gone by. It was a common thought. People feared God and knew there was a penalty for sin. It is only odd sounding now, because we are being bombarded with false teachings that our ears want to hear. Today, people want a savior that that excuses their sins, not takes away their sin. Yet, God is faithful, he will punish the sins to the third and fourth generation...………

But, I will not stop there! He will also be faithful to himself in forgiveness. He says he will bless to a thousands generation for those that love him and do right. Remember, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness! Do not forget that. There is a penalty for sin, it is the Lake of Fire, But there is also a reward for obedience, it is eternal life! Christ will keep that promise. You keep yours.


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