Tuesday, February 5, 2019

What A Guy, 2 Timothy 1:16 - 18

What A Guy

2 Timothy 1:17 On the contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me.

This man, Onesiphorus, was appreciated by Paul. When so many others abandoned him because he was under arrest, Onesiphorus searched to find him, so Paul could be refreshed in spirit. And so he was. Onesiphorus was so appreciated that Paul blesses him and asks God to show mercy to him and his family then, and in the last day.

K and A, are you that "guy" that brings hope and joy to people's lives? Are the refreshed by your presence? There are those that are hurting, some because of their own mistakes or sins, others because of the sins of others. But, you can be the hope they need. I pray that you are not ashamed to come to the aid of others when some other people think they should be abandoned and left to their own miseries. caring for the downtrodden is the heart of God, so be that guy!

Here is a situation that brings joy to a father... Is that your daughter? Yeah, she's mine. She likes to help people in need.  Not just joy to my heart but to the heart of your heavenly Father as well.


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