Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Good Farmer Reaps A Harvest, 2 Timothy 2:6

The Good Farmer Reaps A Harvest

2 Timothy 2:6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crop.

How disappointing to plant a garden and never get to reap a harvest. There are many reasons that one may not receive a good harvest. Some of them are not the fault of the farmer, but many of them can be. It starts from the preparation of the soil, to selecting good seed, to applying pesticides and fertilizers, gathering the crop and to the storage of it. Poor farmers do as little as they can,  are often late at planting and allow the weeds to overtake the crop and find little to gather at the end of the season, if they find anything at all. To do all that is necessary for a plentiful harvest takes hard work, but if we are willing to put in the work, it produces a fine crop.

K and A, be willing to put in the work from beginning to end. Be the good Christian who understands that you have a responsibility to put your hand to the plow and not look back. Be dedicated workers in God's field. As on a farm, God's kingdom takes more than one to do it all well. Be willing to work with others within the church to help the crop to flourish and be plentiful. Paul says that one plants, another waters. Jesus says that the fields are ripe, ready for harvest. There is a place God has for you. Be the good farmer and work hard, so God, the Master Farmer, brings much into the storehouse of Heaven. If we do, so he will bless the harvest even more until it is running over!


  Running Over

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