Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Good Farmer Gets To Share In The Harvest, Timothy 2:6

The Good Farmer Gets To Share In The Harvest

Timothy 2:6
The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crop.

One of the joys of farming is the eating of the crop. Whether it is fresh vegetables from the garden, ripe fruit off the trees, of a cold cup of milk from the bulk tank, there is nothing like real food straight off the farm! That is a side benefit of the good farmer's life, we get to share in the harvest. Now being on a fruit farm I know we sometimes take the partially bad fruit and cut away the bad and eat the good, so it's not always the cream of the crop that we use, but there is nothing like biting into a ripe peach or perfect pear and savoring every bite as the sweet juices are running down our chin. Mm mm good, as Campbell's used to say.

K and A, there are so many joys that come to those who do the work of the Lord. You may have already found that out. I hope so. Remember the second word in the verse above... hardworking. For the good Christian, the work of the Lord is not easy. There is much to do and often the work is hard. but take heart, for compared to the consequences of sin, the Lord's yoke is easy and his burden is light! Some would say that it is all worth it in the end for your destiny is everlasting. That certainly is true, but the joys that come along the way are great as well. I have found that true in my life.

The greatest thrills of life are not marriage and all the euphoria that comes with being together forever with the one you love. No, it is leading someone to Christ and seeing God create in them a pure heart! It is being filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit until you can take no more! You will skip meals, sleep and leave everything as your heart is filled to overflowing. The presence of God does that for all those who a good, hardworking farmers... you will share in his bounty, and eat the cream of the crop!


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