Friday, February 8, 2019

The Good Soldier Endures, 2 Timothy 2:3

The Good Soldier Endures

2 Timothy 2:3 Endure hardship with  us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

A soldier today is different than in Jesus' day, but so was the common man. Everything was physically harder then. In comparison, we are wimps today. Yet we can still compare the common man of today to the enlisted one.

The "man on the street" could come and go as he pleased. If he had a dream or a desire, he pursued it. If he chose to slack off and take it easy, it was his choice. But, as a soldier of the Roman army, his life was determined for him. When told to come, he came. When told to go fight, he went. It made no difference what the weather was, how tough the enemy appeared, or if he was in the middle of a meager meal... his life and direction was set before him. As a good soldier, he girded his loins and marched into battle.

K and A, as a soldier of Christ, endure the path Christ leads you to. He will be with you and help you. Be strong and courageous, for your God goes with you! Trust in the Lord. He will direct your path as you lean on his wisdom and plan. Acknowledge him in all you do and you will find courage to do what is right. Others will seek their own pleasure, but you must first seek his way in your life. For it leads to life itself. So, march on, good, Christian soldier through anything that comes your way!


  Onward Christian Soldier

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