Monday, February 18, 2019

The Good... Whatever 2, Timothy 2:7

The Good … Whatever

2 Timothy 2:7 Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.

Reflect... that is what we have just done for the last 9 posts. We took Paul's illustrations and pondered each one separately, but what is the Lord trying to tell us through what Paul wrote? If we sum it up, what can we learn? Not being an avid reader, I don't do well in imagining what was in the mind of the writer around 2000 years ago. I'm not sure we really can do that anyway, and I think it is dangerous to state "this is what Paul was thinking". When that is done with scriptures, it often leads to personal interpretation, not sound doctrine.

But, that is no excuse for not meditating and reflecting on this and other passages, because I do believe the Lord will give us insight into all this. So let's take a closer look...

  • Endures
  • Not involved in civilian affairs
  • Pleases his commander
  • Competes
  • Follows the rules
  • Receives a crown
  • Farms
  • Reaps a harvest
  • Shares in the harvest
In each of these, the person follows through to the end; endures, follows the rules, reaps a harvest. In each, they take part in the work, they are not in name only; works as a soldier not a civilian, competes, farms. In each, there is a reward; pleases his commander, receives a crown, shares in the bounty.

K and A, although each of you has done one of these, you really aren't any of them. A, once a week you feed calves, are a dairy princess - all great! but you're not a farmer. K, you held a good hockey stick, you still got one in the closet, marvelous, but you are a has been, sort of was an athlete. So what's the point I want you to grasp... 
  1. No matter what you are doing, do it well, finish through to the end; please your boss, your teacher. Whom ever it may be! Work hard, Do well, Excel!
  2. More importantly than that... as a Christian, never give up. You serve the true God!
    • Do not get sidetracked by worldly affairs 
      • I am not just talking about the world and its temptations, nor the worldly church and its love affair with our culture.
      • I am referring to the everyday affairs of life, each may have some value but you can get lost and walk a path that leads away from God
        • the accumulation of things
        • relationship to spouse and family
        • raising your children - do not get caught up like most people and run all over creation to sports and clubs, etc... trying to please your children, you are to teach them to serve others not to be served!
        • worldly causes - save the earth, no pesticides, eat only vegies, political unrest and many others
    • Your relationship with God is the most important, above church and family
      • !! The order is NOT:   Self, Career, Family, God, and Country
      • !! No, Everything centers around your relationship with God
        • you serve God within the church with your family
        • your career helps finance your service to God - remember it all belongs to God, you are the steward
        • your country is not to supercede God, the church, nor your family
        • vacations are not an escape from God, the church, or other people - trips should enrich your spirit as you meet other believers and aid people God brings across your path. you vacation so you can serve God more effectively
    • Understand that all of life is connected to your spiritual walk
    • Satan is real and he desires to trick you into disobeying God, he desires to get you to believe your way is better than God's way. He is destine for destruction, don't go with him.
Daughters, remain faithful to the Lord to the end. Remember that Scripture teaches us how to love God and how to love others. Just as we took these verses and they enriched our life in Christ, you must spend time in the Word for yourself. I believe God will give you insight into all this as you do. Then you will be The Good... whatever he calls you to be!


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