Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Good Athlete Follows The Rules, 2 Timothy 2:5c

The Good Athlete Follows The Rules

2 Timothy 2:5c he competes according to the rules

In all aspects of life there are rules. Some are spelled out specifically, others told to us along the way and others are unwritten and you find them out as you violate them. The violation of God's rules is called sin. It is when we choose our way over God's way, or said differently, we choose the way of Satan over God's way. Fortunately, God spells out rules in the Old Testament which grant forgiveness and make things right. Two types of sin are mentioned, sins we knew we committed and sins we did without knowing. There were sacrifices for each. When Jesus came, he abolished the sacrificial system for he is the complete sacrifice for all sins... Hallelujah!

But, Jesus didn't come to abolish all rules. That is what some believe and that is also how they live. They try to live on the forgiveness God provides through Jesus without a care to follow the many rules God continues to spell out in our lives for everyday. If we think we can sin, and it makes no difference, because we have been forgiven, we forget the verse in Hebrews 6:6 which states that if we turn from Christ and desire forgiveness, we crucify him all over again. (I softened that verse, it is much stronger than I wrote. Btw, the new NIV sadly changed its wording to make it more palatable too.)

K and A, much more can be said about this small part of this verse. Remember that there are more rules in the NT than there are in the Old. Jesus didn't eliminate rules, he expanded them. People love to quote just two that he gave: Love the Lord your God, and Love your neighbor as yourself, but they often forget one key phrase: All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. In other words, the other rules are given so you know how to love. They help you understand how God defines love. Do not be disqualified, rather run the race he has laid out before you for great is your reward.


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