Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Good Soldier Pleases His Commander, 2 timothy 2:4b

The Good Soldier Pleases His Commander

2 Timothy 2:4b he wants to please his commanding officer

There are many correlations here to the "good soldier". Of these correlations are children, students, employees, and even wives. Each of these are to be submissive to the authority over them. Some leaders are bossy, others kind. Others may be cruel and unrelenting. If you think about the ruthlessness of the Roman army, you can only imagine how the Roman officers acted. Yet, Paul says that the good soldiers tried to please their commanding officers.

K and A, You have many commanding officers. From you boss at work, the teacher in the classroom, the pastor in church, to your father and your husband at home, you have someone telling you what to do. How you act is your choice. You choose if you will listen and obey and what attitude you have if you do. But... the good wife, the good employee, the good Christian chooses to please their officer. So, live in such a way that God is pleased to be your father. Our heavenly Father has adopted you into his family and desires a pleasant, kind, and helpful daughter, Choose to please him!


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