Thursday, February 21, 2019

Willing To Suffer For Others, 2 Timothy 2:10

Willing To Suffer For Others

2 Timothy 2:10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

Paul put his life on the line for others. Many times throughout his journeys he was challenged; ridiculed, beaten, and even stoned and left for dead. Why would a person be willing to do this? At one point in his life, Paul caused the suffering of those who belonged to The Way. But God changed his heart, and now he was being persecuted as a follower and preacher of the Gospel. Because he loved them and had concern for their souls, Paul endured it all so others would obtain the same salvation that made him true child of God. A heir not through birth as a Jew, but through the transforming power of the blood of Jesus. He knew his sins were gone and wanted others to have this same privilege. He would be willing to suffer so they too could find the hope and glory made possible through Jesus Christ.

I don't know about you, daughters, but I don't like pain. Suffering doesn't appeal to me. I do not like being ridiculed, picked on, or beaten up... I work to avoid such things. But, Paul shows us a better way, the way of the cross. Peter says that suffering should not be a surprise for Christians. We should count it a joy to share in the sufferings of Christ. There is much talk about love in church today... but not much about what love is. Jesus says that love is laying one's life down for another... being willing to suffer for the souls of the lost.

K and A, is God calling you to suffer for him? If not, why not? Are you willing to go anywhere he wants you to go, to share the gospel to someone near by or some one far away? Could you be a missionary in a far away place like Allison Hill, Harrisburg... far away from your lifestyle, that is. Do not quench the Spirit of God. Be open to where he calls you. Be willing to suffer for others.


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