Monday, February 11, 2019

The Good Althlete Competes, 2 Timothy 2:5a

The Good Athlete Competes

2 Timothy 2:5a Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete

An athlete competes to win a prize. If he doesn't compete, he doesn't win. It was always hard for me to watch track and field events. A guy would be two laps behind the leader and his coach and others watching would cheer him or her on by saying, you're doing great! Keep it going! I just shook my head. But really they were doing much better than everyone watching, they were competing and would finish! Similarly, if we are to win in our walk with the Lord. We first need to commit to being part of the team, then we must not give up and complete our walk through to the end.

K and A, I am glad that you started the race... but don't give up. Keep going until God calls you home. Do not look who is ahead or who is behind. Throw off everything that hinders you from succeeding so you can run the race God has set out before you. As a good athlete, you must compete... Every once in awhile I'll tell someone I wrestled in high school... well, in 9th grade. I quit after that, the lights hurt my eyes. You see, I didn't make it to the end because I stopped competing. Do not be like me in that respect... hold on to Christ through to the end.


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