Thursday, February 7, 2019

Why Teach, 2 Timothy 2:2

Why Teach

2 Timothy 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach.

Why is it that we need to teach others the Gospel? Certainly, it is to help others understand the truths of the Gospel and live lives pleasing to the Lord. But, there is another reason: we teach so others may become teacher themselves. God will bring into our lives people who God wants to develop to carry on the message to others. 1st Timothy was written to help us define who those people are, leaders who will carry on the work when we are not around. Notice the word Paul uses... entrust. We take the doctrine of the Bible and give it to others to keep safe, unadulterated. They will have the responsibility to carry it on to others. These chosen, reliable men and women will need to be trained in order to be qualified to carry on God's work. Notice the progression Paul describes, He taught sound doctrine to Timothy who then sought reliable men to teach them to teach others. We can project the next steps... they in-turn teach others and on and on the pattern is repeated.

K and A, That pattern worked. Here I am today teaching you to carry on the message of the Gospel. Certainly, I do so that you may live it out in your own life, but I also do it so you will in-turn teach others that same Gospel who will learn to live it out in their lives and possibly become teachers themselves. When you teach keep these things in mind...
  • Teach the same Gospel that was given in the Word - do not add to it nor take away from it.
  • The gospel is comprised of truths taught by Christ and his apostles which are mirrored in the Old Testament - do not bypass the examples shown to us in the Old Testament. They were written as warning for us.
  • Teach any and every one who will listen - but choose reliable ones to whom the message can be entrusted.
  • Teach them to pass it on to others - Jesus is not to be kept to ourselves!
Daughters, will you be faithful to the Gospel? Continue your life long commitment to know the Scriptures, be willing to teach it to others, and most of all be devoted to the Gospel in your own life.


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