Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Power Of Grace, 2 Timothy 2:1

The Power Of Grace

2 Timothy 2:1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus

In Ephesians 6:10 it says: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. I think it is not appropriate to combine these two verses, if I may use a double negative. The might of God's power is in the grace he provides for us.We must recognize the power available through grace. One aspect of grace is defined as the power given by God to do what he asks us to do. If we live in the grace provided to us because of our relationship with Christ Jesus, we can please God and not sin! Really, you say? Because we are conditioned by many of today's popular Christians songs and false teachings, it is easy to believe we cannot please God. But those messages are not true. Jesus calls us to live holy lives, to be perfect just like our heavenly father. That is the message of the Sermon on the Mount.

K and A, do not be fooled by the teachings of today. You can live a holy life! But not on your own strength. It is a gift from God provided to those that have accepted Christ as their savior. No, it is not that simple: you accept Christ and you are never tempted nor sin again. Salvation is not a free pass to heaven. It comes with trials and struggles, but each can be overcome, because God provides what it takes to conquer them. His power and his strength are necessary to live free from sin. You get his power through the filling of his Spirit and living in his glory. You must believe and trust in him and not in yourself if you expect to please him. So, daughters, be strong in the grace found in Christ Jesus.


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