Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Good Farmer Farms, 2 Timothy 2:6

The Good Farmer Farms

2 Timothy 2:6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crop.

When you first look at this verse you notice it says nothing about planting or weeding but. Yet, anyone knowing anything about farming knows you do not receive a crop if you don't plant nor are you a farmer if you get in the field. The agri-lifestyle is quickly foreign to most people in America today. They know little of the benefits of that lifestyle in understanding a life in Christ. Not only is self-deprivation an important concept in being a Christian, but the full understanding of reaping and sowing is crucial in understanding the role we play in the spreading of the gospel and the growth of the church numerically and spiritually.

A and K, one of you likes the farm the other thinks it smells... and not good. Neither of you has spent much time on the farm  continually working... Everyday you get up early whether you are sick or feeling good. You head out each day and get to the work and watch the miracles of life happen before your very eyes. You work hard, you sweat, you smell, you eat and breathe the farming life, literally. You select the crop, plant it, care for it, harvest it and partake of it... You watch life begin, maybe you help it to take its first breath, you feed it a bottle of milk, help it to mature to eat and drink on its own, care for it, watch it grow much bigger you, nurse it to health when sick, some will die. If a heifer you watch the cycle of life continue, milk her, partake of bounty and share with others. You take on product and create more out of it.

Daughters, the spiritual walk is similar. You cannot be a true Christian and not suffer discomfort. There will be good days and bad, hard times and relaxing times, you will nurture new babes in Christ, some will grow and flourish, others will sadly die out. You will partake in the fruits of your labor and rejoice as others develop and succeed. Each day is a new adventure... I ask you not to sit idly by. Get up and put your hand to the tasks God leads you to. It may not be easy, but like the hardworking farmer, it's well worth the effort!


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