Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Good Soldier Not Involved In Civilain Affairs, 2 Timothy 2:4a

The Good Soldier Not Involved In Civilian Affairs

2 Timothy 2:4a No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs

What does it mean to be involved in civilian affairs? It used to be taught to Anabaptist Christians that we are not to be involved in governmental issues. We would not run for political office, campaign, nor vote for candidates. God chooses our leaders, so we should be happy with whom we get. No worries, God is in control (the new NIV is terribly written here!)... It is certainly rare to hear that teaching anymore.

I believe if we look at what soldiers did then and do today, we can get a good picture of what we are to do as Christians, even good Anabaptist ones.
  • Good Soldiers do not care what the world around them is wearing - they have a uniform that conforms to their unit
  • Good Soldiers do not run around and party and get drunk - they must be alert to dangers around them and be ready to react at any moment
  • Good Soldiers do not seek approval from their friends - they have a commander to please
  • Good Soldiers do not fight among themselves - they know the enemy, and it is not their fellow soldier
  • Good Soldiers are not lazy - they stay focused and busy minding their own business
K and A, forget trying to keep up with the world. As a good soldier of Christ, stay focused on the affairs of the Lord. In the past, I couldn't understand why my grandpa didn't know who Elvis Pressley was (story below). But, as I got older I understood. He purposely chose to be ignorant of the things most people cared about; who are the latest singers, the latest sports stars, the latest movies or TV programs, the latest anything... like today, you must focus on others things or the drum beat of the world will hammer it into you. Like in the past, worldly accomplishments are everywhere, Grandpa Allen chose to ignore all that "news" and focus his time and efforts on the affairs that God deems important:
  • The Word
  • Prayer
  • Getting together with other believers
  • Preaching and teaching, he had his own radio program, often preached at two or three churches on a Sunday
  • And much more
Being a Good Soldier to him meant fleeing the passions of the world and giving all to God. You would do well to imitate his passion for Christ and his church.


Grandpa Allen's story: I remember Aunt Lois telling us one time that after Elvis died, grandpa saw his picture on TV. I met him once, he said. I didn't know he was famous. He continued, I saw him up at the gas station in Potter Brook (west of Westfield, PA) Elvis got out of his big white Cadillac and came over and said, Hi, I'm Elvis Pressely. Grandpa replied, Hello, I'm Allen Brubaker, nice to meet you. Grandpa had no clue who he was. We all figured Elvis' ego got deflated just a bit. :)

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