Sunday, February 3, 2019

Protect the Gospel, 2 Timothy 1:14

Protect The Gospel

2 Timothy 1:14 Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

There are those, today, who say that we need not worry about the purity of the church or its message. They say that God will protect it, and we just need to keep from being caught up in the arguments of what is right or wrong. Let people make up their own minds. We just need to love each other and all will be fine.

But, this isn't what Paul tells to Timothy. He says that we must guard the truth for its is an enemy who is looking to pollute the church, to divide it and destroy it. He tells us to contend for the faith for people have crept in among the church and believe they can live immoral lives without consequence.

K and A, you are called to live out your faith in a true way shown by Scripture, but you also must protect your faith in the church, in Sunday school, special group meetings, on church board, and where ever spiritual principals are taught. This is your duty as a follower and especially as a leader. Tough job sometimes. You may feel like you are all alone, but you aren't. God - the Holy Spirit, lives in you to help you. Go and preserve the truths of the Gospel. It has been entrusted to you.


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