Monday, February 25, 2019

If We Endure, We Reign, 2 Timothy 2:11-13

If We Endure, We Reign

2 Timothy 2:12a If we endure, we will also reign with him

If we die with Christ, we will also live with him... whoa, that's a great promise! If we die to sin in this life... we inherit eternal life, life with the Son of God. At creation, Jesus was with the father. He created all things for his own purposes including us. One of those purposes is to reign with him on high. The Word says that Jesus came to earth from the father and not long after he arose from the dead, he returned to sit at the right hand of the Father. One day he shall return to take those that are victorious to the place he has prepared for them. That "them" can be us, if we endure to the end..

K and A, what does it mean to be victorious in your Christian walk? Take a look at what Jesus did. Jesus say that he came to do the will of his Father. If you are Christ's sister, you will do the same. To be victorious, you must not be a lukewarm Christian, just going to church once or twice a week, not doing the really bad things like killing, being sexually promiscuous, or swearing. No, it is in following the commands of the Lord. These commands are found throughout both the Old and New Testaments. These have been written so we know how to live our lives today. The stories and directives are written so we know how to love God and love others. And remember, endurance is not a one time deal. You are to take a stand for Christ and keep on standing. That is endurance, faithful to the end! That is the one who will be saved and reign with him on high, our savior, Christ Jesus. Oh, what joy that will be!


 What a Day That'll Be (a little slow, but easy to worship with)

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